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  • Parine's Avatar
    November 9, 2021, 1:25 am to Public
    writing is the most fun hobby out there what
    Parine replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-11-09 10:47:46
    Parine's Avatar
    if u HAVE to... then it isnt fun ;c
    but when i get to write when and what i want... >:) bingo
    Hardcrafter said 2021-11-09 06:11:26
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Me stressing myself out trying to write a single paragraph๏ปฟ

    I'll have to politely disagree.
    magical_ocelot said 2021-11-09 05:45:18
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  • Parine's Avatar
    October 23, 2021, 2:05 pm to Public
    i found out im allergic to soymilk AND apples......

    does anyone know the correlation 0_0
    Aethera said 2021-10-26 11:35:15
    Aethera's Avatar
    Oh dear! I hope you're alright. ♥
    Hardcrafter said 2021-10-23 16:52:29
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Sorry nope, pretty odd combo
  • Parine's Avatar
    October 22, 2021, 1:53 am to Public
    hey guys
    dragonsdungeon wrote an incredible response to my post about teen skins peaking as a whole... and i think everyone should read it, so we can improve and change the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    here it is:
    I think the floor keeps being raised, but the ceiling currently is ultimately bound by a somewhat traditional formula to how you approach teen skins. This isn't really exclusive to teen skins, and is happening in every crevice of skinmaking. For teen skins it's just very apparent due to the similar nature of each skin. There are still individual improvements, but if you consider skinmakers like Meggles, I am not sure the level increased too substantially since then, and that's way long ago. I think if you look at what knobleknives, lantosyt, teddy, paddy etc. etc. pulled off 5-7 years ago, you'll see that the level is still similar in non-teen skins too.

    I think what's detrimental for teen skins is that it isn't inherently seeking to be innovative, so unless a new Meggles, Oblivion, Felinka etc. etc. comes around to push what's expected for the genre, it stagnates a bit. Good thing is that the stagnation happened on a really good level of skins, and the top teen skins today are really well made. I do hope the boundaries get pushed, or styles shift a bit. High saturation seems largely ignored now, something which Felinka as an example pioneered for teen skins iirc. Because these changes were so drastic, it was very obvious what changed. I think more people are at a similar level at the top of the cake today, with a somewhat similar stylistic take on the good teen skin, which is why improvement is less obvious unless you trace individual skinners, such as beverly. I do think the sense to experiment has decreased however, and that is a shame. Maybe the ideal way of doing them has just been found. Although I doubt it. (Improvement also definitely still happens, just less obviously of course)
  • Parine's Avatar
    October 21, 2021, 1:28 am to Public
    the more i look into it.... the less i agree with what i just said? like yeah.... things didnt go through a DRASTIC change.,.... but talented skinners have improved in many different areas even from 5 years ago, when they may have joined 7 years ago, yanno. look at some of oblivions skins to see what her newly UPDATED ones look like, vs the ones she posted 5 yrs ago when she went inactive
  • Parine's Avatar
    October 21, 2021, 1:24 am to Public
    am i the only one who is a little..... saddened that teen skins have sorta peaked?

    like i mean this in NO offense to anyone, like genuinely. this is mostly according to MY skins and what ive seen other people similar to me have done....

    like, we went on a major improvement of teen skins in like 2014/5/6/7...... i mean like MAJOR. but from then on i feel they only slightly improved? is that just me
    Parine replied to Noodle's comment below 2021-10-22 13:42:57
    Parine's Avatar
    hm. i suppose youre right. and i totally see marketplace skinners feeling obligated to innovate.
    however!!! personally, i think that innovation is necessary and very important in all walks of life. id say that because marketplace skinners are required to try so many different things and push themselves past a comfortable limit, they are the ones to improve first and fastest, because the average teen skinner DOES do everything in their comfort zone. i suppose i can just speak for me, but i wont go out of my comfort zone because i don't have to, and i am not trying to please anyone. which isn't what id recommend for others! you don't necessarily be needing to please others to escape the box, but it sure does boost the speed in which innovation occurs for skins (imo
    Noodle said 2021-10-22 04:37:39
    Noodle's Avatar
    Reading your post as well as other comments: I feel that what ultimately stops innovation and experimentation is two factors:
    1. Pleasing your audience
    2. General comfort in your style

    Although I do agree that it has been stagnant in recent times, I don't think asking for innovation is what will actually makes it grow, it's reassuring artists that it is ok to experiment and you don't need to please everyone in the room. By breaking the stigma, you'll get somewhere. The majority of teen skin artists from my experience in Marketplace feel the same pressures and stigma to get the most attention, rather than what's true to them.

    I don't think the ceiling has ever been broken in that regard.
    Parine replied to DragonsDungeon's comment below 2021-10-22 01:48:38
    Parine's Avatar
    youre entirely right!!!! i couldnt agree more. i do see more innovation in non teen skins, though. but you're right!!!!!!! a lot of stillness across all of the skinning scene.

    you're so incredibly well spoken LIKE LOL. i literally could read your paragraph for days its so interesting! it really does make me tear up (not being dramatic i mean it literally), that there ISNT any insane and ambitious skinner to come up with such new ideas! but i never really thought about how we may have reached an ideal state for our skins..... which is why nothing is changing or improving. you put everything so well into words! i think we should need to find someone and get them to be CREATIVEEE ;p
    DragonsDungeon said 2021-10-21 06:48:30
    DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    I think the floor keeps being raised, but the ceiling currently is ultimately bound by a somewhat traditional formula to how you approach teen skins. This isn't really exclusive to teen skins, and is happening in every crevice of skinmaking. For teen skins it's just very apparent due to the similar nature of each skin. There are still individual improvements, but if you consider skinmakers like Meggles, I am not sure the level increased too substantially since then, and that's way long ago. I think if you look at what knobleknives, lantosyt, teddy, paddy etc. etc. pulled off 5-7 years ago, you'll see that the level is still similar in non-teen skins too.

    I think what's detrimental for teen skins is that it isn't inherently seeking to be innovative, so unless a new Meggles, Oblivion, Felinka etc. etc. comes around to push what's expected for the genre, it stagnates a bit. Good thing is that the stagnation happened on a really good level of skins, and the top teen skins today are really well made. I do hope the boundaries get pushed, or styles shift a bit. High saturation seems largely ignored now, something which Felinka as an example pioneered for teen skins iirc. Because these changes were so drastic, it was very obvious what changed. I think more people are at a similar level at the top of the cake today, with a somewhat similar stylistic take on the good teen skin, which is why improvement is less obvious unless you trace individual skinners, such as beverly. I do think the sense to experiment has decreased however, and that is a shame. Maybe the ideal way of doing them has just been found. Although I doubt it. (Improvement also definitely still happens, just less obviously of course)
    Parine replied to MoonAstraea's comment below 2021-10-21 01:29:40
    Parine's Avatar
    im glad iim not the only one..... because yeah! so many new styles and impressive coloring techniques emerged back then, but not much has been actually INVENTED since then
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  • Parine's Avatar
    October 16, 2021, 10:26 pm to Public
    what are u guys doing/being for halloween ;p
    Sassafras replied to Parine's comment below 2021-10-18 09:04:14
    Sassafras's Avatar
    The cat is literally just- a pair of cat ears and a clip on cat tail that you could get from any old store-
    Prince Ren replied to Parine's comment below 2021-10-17 20:42:52
    Prince Ren's Avatar
    Thank you! honestly its so much fun!!
    Parine replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2021-10-17 18:36:26
    Parine's Avatar
    wait i didnt even check to see if id be working
    Parine replied to Prince Ren's comment below 2021-10-17 18:36:13
    Parine's Avatar
    wait thats really cool!!!! super unique and personalized!!! i think Halloween should be more personalized ;p
    Parine replied to Sassafras's comment below 2021-10-17 18:35:35
    Parine's Avatar
    LOL ive gone as an angel 2 years in a row and I'm literally about to make it three lollll
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  • PMC's Avatar
    October 16, 2021, 11:41 am to Public
    We've got a Special Edition Weekly this week (and highly recommend checking it out before watching Minecraft Live!)

    Erwansyah said 2021-11-27 23:17:14
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    mbagaming replied to Darve's comment below 2021-11-24 20:21:06
    mbagaming's Avatar
    use virson 1.16.5
    or use world converter from 1.16.5 to whaterever
    Kiron_jhiron said 2021-11-09 11:56:36
    Kiron_jhiron's Avatar
    Hola buenas tardes noches o mañanas como están soy nuevo
    oliviauni123 said 2021-11-08 19:12:28
    oliviauni123's Avatar
    ok sure guys what's up my nickname is liv
    Riprox123YT replied to Dupyfrigiel's comment below 2021-11-04 09:55:20
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    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, como te atreveeeeees :,v
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  • The PMC Weekly October 16th, 2021
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    PMC 10/16/21 โ€ข posted 10/13/21
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews VinylReplica
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    PMC's Avatar PMC โ€ข10/15/21 10:46
  • Parine's Avatar
    October 11, 2021, 12:06 am to Public
    what is a name youve always wanted/ wanted to name your kids? ;O

    for me the name June is genuinely so pretty like ugh
    and venus like gn
    Parine replied to Aethera's comment below 2021-10-16 22:19:12
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    Aethera said 2021-10-15 09:48:10
    Aethera's Avatar
    Laura and/or Beverly. x
    astr said 2021-10-12 12:47:49
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    Parine replied to inzanely's comment below 2021-10-11 15:35:24
    Parine's Avatar
    skylor is super pretty!!!
    Parine replied to anonpmc2713049's comment below 2021-10-11 15:35:02
    Parine's Avatar
    it does have a ring to it :o
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  • The PMCWeekly October 9th, 2021
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    PMC 10/09/21 โ€ข posted 10/04/21
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews Giancarlovan
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    PMC's Avatar PMC โ€ข10/8/21 11:31
  • Parine's Avatar
    October 6, 2021, 12:35 am to Public
    heryyyyy guys
    ive been working at starbucks for almost 2 months now... so if u guys needs recommendations/ have questions i can totally help >: )
    Parine replied to Momu's comment below 2021-10-10 22:15:39
    Parine's Avatar
    i got one for free the other day and i literally was like "so this is what the hype is about 0_0 ๐Ÿ˜"
    Parine replied to anonpmc2374344's comment below 2021-10-10 22:14:19
    Parine's Avatar
    ikkk i love making them ;p
    Momu said 2021-10-10 20:09:54
    Momu's Avatar
    Cakepop, that’s it
    aquarine said 2021-10-06 07:36:53
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  • merryween.
    Minecraft Skin
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    Parine's Avatar Parine โ€ข10/5/21 11:04
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