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  • Planet Minecraft Interviews Campestral
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 2/18/22 12:01
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews mshailz
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 2/11/22 12:00
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    January 17, 2022, 5:47 pm to Public
    if you've never seen the "ghost stories" dub, you're missing out big time
    PickleCat said 2022-02-05 20:26:01
    PickleCat's Avatar
    it really caught me off guard watching it for the first time 💀💀
    Prince Oceanus said 2022-01-18 11:37:07
    Prince Oceanus's Avatar
    “I know now that we can never be together; not because you’re a rabbit, but because you’re black.”

    Kills me every time XD
    GoldenGlider replied to Hardcrafter's comment below 2022-01-17 23:31:24
    GoldenGlider's Avatar
    i might be wrong, but what i heard is that the original flopped so bad in japan (or at least in asia), that they just told the dub team to do whatever with it lol. they did it like improv almost. went from thriller > comedy real quick
    Hardcrafter said 2022-01-17 19:20:34
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    That dub is what happens when the translation team gives no shits.

    I already avoid dubs especially because of the unnecessary insertion of woke ideology nowadays, but Ghost Stories might end up being an exception for me to eventually watch just because the dub team didn't care at all for any context of the original anime and just did their own thing, which leads to absolute hilarity.
    GoldenGlider replied to Fawne's comment below 2022-01-17 18:52:43
    GoldenGlider's Avatar
    come on, jump... <3

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  • PMC's Avatar
    January 15, 2022, 10:47 am to Public

    I also wanted to take this (rare) opportunity to say, I miss you, PMCer's. Back in October when we made this announcement, we thought after a few weeks, maybe at most a month, I would have a little more time and be in a groove with our small human and return to writing the Weekly's and be involved in this wonderful community once again. Turns out, she runs the show and requires basically every second of my time. She's lucky she's cute. 😛 I don't know when I'll start having time to write the newsletter again, but just know that it's always on my mind as are you 💙 Hope you are all doing great and are happy and healthy! Keep creating, playing, and being you!

    Mrs. PMC
    sanra said 2023-08-19 10:13:48
    sanra's Avatar
    Great and informative blog....

    Truck collisions can have serious consequences, Abogados Accidentes de Camiones including serious injuries, property damage, and even death. Unfortunately, truck accidents are not uncommon in Virginia, which has numerous highways and major transportation routes. Both drivers and passengers must be aware of the various types of truck accidents that might occur. We&#39;ll look at some of Virginia&#39;s most common truck accidents and analyse the risks that each one poses. Furthermore, the advantages of hiring a truck accident lawyer following a truck accident in detail.
    TotallyVeryFree replied to duckely's comment below 2023-01-02 08:21:36
    TotallyVeryFree's Avatar
    You could play together, you first type your kids username in then you add friend her and then every time you want to play with her, just simply go to friends and then and if shes online, just join her world then Done.
    Mafya said 2022-12-24 15:57:44
    Mafya's Avatar
    duckely said 2022-12-21 09:06:50
    duckely's Avatar
    i need help, my daughter has a Xbox and has the bedrock version. i have a pc windows 11 and would like to join her in their server to play. i know i have to purchase Minecraft bedrock. is there any work being done to include other's type of Minecraft games.

    User4408049G replied to Galaxium's comment below 2022-12-18 21:04:35
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  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    January 11, 2022, 3:20 pm to Public
    no cus we are only 11 days in and 2022 is already the freaking worst year of my life
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    January 11, 2022, 1:33 am to Public
    when you stay up till 3 one single night and now your sleep schedule is ruined forever and now youre stuck having to sleep at 3 every night
    Moxks said 2022-01-11 08:18:19
    Moxks's Avatar
    I have been staying up till 2 in the morning for two years now for a while and I can confirm this
    Fawne said 2022-01-11 06:03:47
    Fawne's Avatar
    me but i've been staying up til 7AM :( help i'm supposed to be an adult
    PandaFrost29 said 2022-01-11 02:10:41
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    SamTheTank said 2022-01-11 01:42:33
    SamTheTank's Avatar
    just happened to me two nights ago
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    January 9, 2022, 10:20 am to Public
    the fact that us as humans can fall in love with pixels-
    Hardcrafter said 2022-01-09 10:57:21
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Our brains: "Those pixels on the screen/lines on paper form a very attractive character! Wait, what do you mean they're not real?!"
  • Planet Minecraft Interviews blisschen
    Interview Blog
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 1/7/22 10:38
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    January 6, 2022, 3:55 pm to Public
    can we please have a super smash bros: anime edition???
    Crois said 2022-01-17 12:22:26
    Crois's Avatar
    i would play that every day

    they made an animated movie for street fighter
    they can make a super smash bros anime edition

    Hardcrafter replied to chickenpants93's comment below 2022-01-06 16:01:06
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    I mean, yes, Smash has a lot of "anime swordies" but she's on to something.
    chickenpants93 said 2022-01-06 15:57:02
    chickenpants93's Avatar
    as far as the last few characters have shown us, it already is!
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    January 6, 2022, 1:23 pm to Public
    hanako-kun: "you're the first girl whos ever liked me"
    the thousands of fangirls whove been obsessed with him since ep 1: 👁👄👁
    Crois said 2022-01-17 12:23:44
    Crois's Avatar
    i'm not a simp for hanako-kun but I know a friend who LITTERALLY MADE A FANFICTION WITH HER (my friend) IN YASHIROS PLACe

    hate me all you want for this but it Kou x Yashiro
    PickleCat said 2022-01-07 14:55:00
    PickleCat's Avatar
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    January 3, 2022, 7:52 pm to Public
    i have such a habit of skipping to the next episode once i hear the outro music, so sometimes when im not fully paying attention, ill subconsciously switch to the next ep after the intro plays
    ive skipped entire episodes before becus of this lol. didnt realize until a couple episodes later when nothing made sense at all
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 31, 2021, 12:28 pm to Public
    it makes me so angry when one of the protagonists are about to win, but right before they do, they tell the villain their entire plan and then because of that, the villains quickly figure out how to defend against that plan and then they win. like. why. why did you need to tell them? why cant you just defeat them without pausing to tell them how youve won???? shUT U P P
    Crois said 2022-01-17 12:24:29
    Crois's Avatar
    Thats how the heros win every damned time
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 30, 2021, 8:26 pm to Public
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 30, 2021, 6:36 pm to Public
    my dad: want me to pick you up food?
    me: no its fine we have food at home
    my dad: oh how the turns have tabled
    Sassafras said 2021-12-30 18:57:33
    Sassafras's Avatar
    The food at home: non existent, purely theoretical
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 27, 2021, 11:53 pm to Public
    yes, i am in love with howl, how could you tell?
    Crois said 2022-01-17 12:25:25
    Crois's Avatar
    I watched like 20 mins into that movie
    and then I haven't gotten the chance to finish it
    who the heck is howl again XD

    (this is a joke, but I have not finished the movie)
    PickleCat said 2021-12-29 10:55:16
    PickleCat's Avatar
    Mellie said 2021-12-28 09:38:45
    Mellie's Avatar
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 27, 2021, 8:53 am to Public
    I wish you could like/add reactions to comment replies (like discord). sometimes I don't always wanna have to respond and just wanna put a lil heart or smth yknow
    PandaFrost29 said 2021-12-27 16:34:56
    PandaFrost29's Avatar
    That’d be great, you should make a ticket abt that
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 26, 2021, 2:26 pm to Public
    I just passed a car that got pulled over, and the person was out talking to the cop and I had to do a double take cus the person was wearing a whole demon slayer tanjiro cosplay- ??? I'm so lost
    Crois said 2022-01-17 12:26:20
    Crois's Avatar
    Officer - kid I need you to get to your comic con, then come back for your ticket
    Aurosilia said 2021-12-26 15:39:40
    Aurosilia's Avatar
    "so you see officer, I was late for the comic con and..."
    Moxks said 2021-12-26 14:35:19
    Moxks's Avatar
    Oh hey sounds like me my hypothetical friend
  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 25, 2021, 2:08 pm to Public
    whatd you get for christmas?
    Crois said 2022-01-17 12:26:45
    Crois's Avatar
    the mOsT aMaZiNg ThInG eVeR

    cookies & books
    kianna naran replied to __orchid's comment below 2021-12-27 07:05:29
    kianna naran's Avatar
    Wow Pog!
    kianna naran said 2021-12-27 07:05:08
    kianna naran's Avatar
    Mascara :))
    inzanely replied to GoldenGlider's comment below 2021-12-26 16:16:11
    inzanely's Avatar
    i don't know the exact site where it was from, but this is basically what it looks like

    GoldenGlider replied to inzanely's comment below 2021-12-25 19:20:00
    GoldenGlider's Avatar
    The map of Narnia sounds epic- I low-key wanna see it
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  • GoldenGlider's Avatar
    December 25, 2021, 9:56 am to Public
    merry chris morris
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