VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
Call me Petra, but only my friends call me Pet.
Level 28
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    β€’ 10/01/2023 3:18 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    "Oh...I heard something about that, um...Congratulations?"

    *Turns to leave thinking I should have stayed outside, not bein invited and all.*

    (I'll rp more I have to go for the day, I'll be back tomorrow.)
    β€’ 10/01/2023 3:12 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    *stammers somewhat, confused and speaks barely auditable. While fidgeting with a strand on my hair.*

    β€’ 10/01/2023 2:29 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    *Karma did remember something about a new prince but she didn't know everything, she only heard snippets from the towns people. Picking up a single yummy biscuit looking thing she took a bite and her face brightened, never tasting something so sweet and elegant. (A cookie) Taking two more, as she walked past a few people she noticed an elegantly dressed women, she felt like it was someone she should bow to so...She did.*

    *Bowing low, she looked up at the women.*
    β€’ 10/01/2023 2:17 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    *Karma peeks through the open door, confused to why all the people are going inside. Her jaw drops at the sight of all the people inside, standing up she looked around amazed by the amount of activity going on insed.*

    *Stupidly karma hasn't realized the royals yet, she currently has no right to be here and nosing about in the party. Never being invited to one she's never know how to act. Looking around she basically blended into the crowd her lavender black hair not standing out here as it would if the room was empty, walking around kind of lost she found herself by the food and wondered if she could help herself to anything to eat....*

    "I shouldn't...."

    (I'm new to this and idk what do do so sorry if I joined in the wrong way XD)
    β€’ 10/01/2023 2:29 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    *Karma did remember something about a new prince but she didn't know everything, she only heard snippets from the towns people. Picking up a single yummy biscuit looking thing she took a bite and her face brightened, never tasting something so sweet and elegant. (A cookie) Taking two more, as she walked past a few people she noticed an elegantly dressed women, she felt like it was someone she should bow to so...She did.*

    *Bowing low, she looked up at the women.*
    β€’ 09/29/2023 2:56 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    What do you mean by that? It makes it sound bad or something XD
    β€’ 09/29/2023 2:15 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    I'm interested in magical stuff, adventure, sometimes romance, and other one's but why do you ask?
    β€’ 09/29/2023 2:09 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    One, and it was with Silas. But on games on my iPad I roleplayed all the time until I realized all people on stupid games like Planet craft cared about was ENTERTAINMENT! So I used to I know how to and I've been told I'm good. Yes I have.

    β€’ 09/29/2023 2:15 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    I'm interested in magical stuff, adventure, sometimes romance, and other one's but why do you ask?
    β€’ 09/29/2023 1:56 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    Also Karma is supposed to be the Dark Forest Guardian, I asked TheMountaineer Never got an answer on that though.

    She's a bridge between life and death, like the Avatar state from ATLA Avatar the last airbender.
    β€’ 09/29/2023 1:44 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    I'll take part, Karma will be delighted.

    (You will have to explain what it it a little, this would be my first time XD)
    β€’ 08/16/2023 1:59 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    Hmm mind if I join?
    mind if i'm like a wonder between death and living?
    Like death but sill partly alive?
    And can only be seen by those who's seen a death?
    β€’ 07/26/2023 1:06 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    XD this works I can meet new people XD

    β€’ 07/23/2023 2:07 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    β€’ 06/30/2023 4:41 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    Hello and welcome, I'm kinda new myself XD Having a good experience so far Fatal?
    β€’ 06/28/2023 1:11 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    wait is this like an egyption god? it looks part animal like wolf or dog?
    β€’ 06/28/2023 1:07 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    okay, lol. But still rim the skirt with the outer layer so it gives depth
    β€’ 06/27/2023 1:44 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    Certain areas don't need the outer layer area, currently its slightly bulky. Take some pixels off the corners of the boots, and the shorts. If its pants my bad, but I think overall its good a big thumbs up!

    The colors are amazing, the shading technique is very good keep up the work.
    β€’ 06/17/2023 4:23 pm
    β€’ Level 28 : Expert Artist
    VarifiedBrawlhallaAddict's Avatar
    Nix Sunday afternoon, Twelve PM.
    I have been meaning too buy myself a laptop for communication, but I haven't done it yet. I paused mid stride as my back pocket was vibrating then haunting dark music of the Halloween town started too play, reaching back for my phone I glanced at the screen to find Barraza calling...What?

    Sliding the unlock button I only got a short glimpse at my background photo of my dream girl, I was scrolling past on Reddit and this photo caught my eyes. I was instantly in-love, this photo contained a girl but not just a girl...My dream girl, I've tried too figure out were this photo was taken. Putting the phone up to my head, I heard a loud smashing as something is crushed.
    "Hey, what's up Barraza?" For a moment I don't hear anything but then another crash is followed by laughter, then Barraza's gruff voice called over the noise.

    "HEY NIX, SORRY ABOUT THE NOISE. ME AND A PAL WERE SMASHING CARS..." The noise stop, a female voice called too him and he didn't tell me he had a girl now.

    "That's better, anyway Nix I called because I was rummaging through old junk and found a box of MBFC stuff. It was full of Laptops, monitors Computers, cords ect, I tested them too see what worked and one of the laptop still lived....Do you want it?"

    "Yes please, thank you Barraza. Can I swing by around five-ish? I'm picking my friend up her name is Fatima Sabiq ever herd of her?"

    "No I'm afraid not, also I got the photo you sent have you found your dream girl yet?" I let out a defeated sight, and Barraza coughs on the other end.

    "Nop, sadly enough.... Have you found your Mirage yet? From your trip in the desert, found her yet?"

    "Nop, since then I haven't really left the Junk-Yard recently. By the there's another surprise for you when you get here, I'll make sure it won't leave till you get here." What does he mean by that, its not my birthday yet?

    "What do you mean Barraza, its not even close too my B-day, what are you planning now?" He just laughs on the other end, and hangs up.

    Sliding my phone out of sight I go about my mission too deliver the seven lost souls too the under world too my boss, Ikruski. Later that night I decided too text Barraza saying I'd be there soon, slightly after seven I stopped at Fatima's house.
    Glancing around I noticed Fatima's neighbors Lucien and Caspian playing V-Brawl in the front of their house, Caspian paused to take a long swig of water. Looking back at Fatima's front door I knock again, I look back too the boys Intime too see Caspian dump the rest of his water over Lucien's head. Lucien was up on his feet in less then seconds, realizing what just happened he started chasseing Caspian.

    A door opened and Fatima came into view she held out a diet coke, taking it she grabbed five more. I watched her shuffle out of the door awkwardly, taking three cokes from her she smiled.

    "Thanks, Nix. Hey are we still stopping by the Junk yard, or did you change your mind?" I nodded then shook my head, we walked by Lucien and Caspian's cooler and she set two of the cokes down on it.

    We walked for a while then she spoke, and I was surprised by he question. I didn't remember ever mentioning my dream girl too Fatima, did I ?

    "So have you found her yet?" For a second I was confused, I then laughed.

    "No, you'll be the first too know though. How have you been lately?" She shrugs and tilts her hand side too side, gesturing meh.

    She looked up and stopped short as a tower of rusted old cars fell into are path, glancing sideways there now stood a large hole in the Junk yard fence. And what seemed like a savage cat women stood crouched on the fence besides the hole, and a familiar voice was yelling at her.

    "PETRA! LOOK AT THIS MESS, I TOLD YOU TOO BE CARFUL!" It seems this is a bad time, using dark magic I stacked the car's back up again agents' the wall and the girl on the fence watched me silently as I did.

    Barraza came up too use, Fatima held out one of the cokes too him. He eyed her suspiciously, taking it he looked at the girl just Intime as she leapt off the fence and charged me. This girl was acting savagely, she let lose a roar and attempted too punch me. Her fist began too glow a ire raspberry red...Just the same color of the DarkHeart crystals, blocking each of her punches her empty eyes bore deep into mine.

    She started rapidly trying too punch me with both fists, and she broke off and ran around me. I had enough, just as she landed a hit on my shoulder. Doubling over, the pain was seering into my skin, Fatima surprised all of us as sand came up from the dirt and stone and like a massive hand. And wrapped around the savage girl holding her still, Barraza shook his hand sadly.

    "Impressive... Fatima correct? Anyway PETRA, what have I told you abou tgreeting people?"This girl...Petra growled and kept struggling, I glance at Barraza and Fatima. I nodded at Fatima and she let this Petra down, I at first expected her too attack again but she didn't. In stead she crossed her arms and muttered too Barraza, and he genuinely looked confused.

    "Can I go home now...Witch way is it too get too the SunDrive City?" Wait if she is from SunDrive City what is she doing all the way out here?

    "Petra right? Umm...I have a job tomorrow there, if you promise too not attempt too murder me again...I'll take you, what do you say Pet?" Did I really just call her Pet? Barraza started walking too the house, Petra nodded and held out her hand.
    I was confused on what she expected me too do until Fatima and Barraza shook hands, Ohh now I felt dumb. Reaching out too shake her hand she recalled her hand so fast, it takes me a moment too realize she Psyched me out. We began too follow Barraza and I glanced back too see Petra sulking behind.

    Once we were inside Barraza set his Diet-Coke down and dragged me into the another room away from Fatima and Petra, he whispered in a low voice as he closed the door.

    "Fatima...Its her Nix, the girl from the desert.." I blinked a few times, and raised an eyebrow at him.

    "Check my memory please, I promise its her.." I believe him but its probably better if I checked too make sure, ugh I'll get a migraine after it though.

    Closing my eyes I could feel the darkness start too consume me, placing my finger tips against Barraza's temples I could feel the darkness work its magic. I could feel Barraza's strong heart beat, and his steady breathing...Good where synced, now time too search his memory's from years months ago. I felt like I was going through a warp hole, into another time line...Before I was fully synced with Barraza I could hear a collective gasp from Fatima, welp busted.

    "NIX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOO HI--" Her sentence was interrupted probbily by Petra, and just then I found the memory...

    *Two years ago Barraza traveled too SunDrive city, and on his way back he lost his way. Winding up in the desert, he found something bad happen.*

    "Oh, crap this stupid thing isn't gonna make it..." Getting off I abandoned it, muttering under my breath.

    "Guess I better get walking." I walked on for miles and lost my sense of direction guaranteed, I muttered under my breath.

    At this point I was lost, and I didn't want too admit it...But I was, I was about too give up when I groaned.

    "So damn HOT!.." I was done, but at the sam etime not...I was Dehydrated, Hot, Tired, Burned, and Dirty...I looked up from the ground too find a silhouette of trees, where's there tree's...WATER!

    I started too run, the closer I got I realized somebody else there...But who, who was it is the question I thought I was alone.

    "HEY! Wait a minute..." The person looked up at me, I hesitantly reached out and I swear I know her...How?
    I rubbed my eyes, and looking again there was nothing...She was gone, Huh!

    "Oh..I guess it was just a Mirage.." I started laughing and collapsed under the bright sun, and thought I was dead.

    I woke six days later too a sering sunburn and a dimly lit room, I opened my eyes and realized I was home...How?* Barraza's memory went black and I felt tired, I dropped my arms too my side and Barraza passed out crumpling to the floor at my feet. I forgot how mortals can't handle darkness of the under world, my bad hehe.

    "NIX WHATS WRONG WITH BARRAZA?! WHAT DID YOU DO?" I faced Fatima, her face was horrified.

    "He's fine, just tired from being Synced mentally...And physically, since I'm from down there." Pointing down too hell Fatima, nods and Petra sucks in a sharp breath.

    "Your from down below...?" I nodded, like it was even a big deal?

    I look at Fatima and then down at Barraza, a sly idea comes too mind...Using my darkness I maneuvered Barraza into the other room and laying him in his bedroom, Fatima watched the both of us closely. Once Barraza was situated, Fatima followed me out but I stopped her putting up a hand she looked at me puzzled.

    "Hey stay here watch over him will you? Since I've got to take her home anyway, you don't mind do you?" She thought for a moment, then she nodded.

    "Do I stay here?" Petra nodded beside me and vanished for a minute and dragged a second mattress behind her, dropping it at the other side of Barraza's room.

    "That's yours he let me borrow it, now you can.." Fatima's eyes widened, she honestly looked horrified witch was funny.

    "Well...Watch my house will you Nix? I also guess y'all can bunk down in it tonight, Don't wreck anything." I nodded and nudging Petra, she grumbles and nodded.

    "We'll see you tomorrow Fatima, watch over him now..Bye." I led Petra out side and we headed for home, and Petra spoke.

    "What is your plan?" Plan, did she catch on already...Dang, I placed a finger to my lips.

    "Lets just say Fatima is Barraza's dream girl, and I set them up just now.." Petra watches me for a second and shrugged, and she looked straight ahead and spoke.

    "What about you?" Me? Woah how many times am I gonna be asked this, in a single day!

    "Ehh...Still haven't found her yet, its been complicated...I know the location of the photo she just wasn't there, sadly.." Petra looked at me confusion written across her face, she stopped walking as I opened Fatima's front door.

    "Her..Who?" I wasn't sure too show her, but she would be going home so I'll show her then.

    "Tomorrow morning I'll show you, tonight lets just sleep I'm still tired....Aren't you, Petra?" She shook her head and stretched, as we headed in I nearly instantly plopped down on Fatima's bed...Then I was out like a light.

    (Nix, Tuesday early morning.)

    I woke to a odd disturbance and bolted up right, I looked around too see Petra sleeping at the table head in her arms. She was sleeping soundly, she looked oddly enough gentle asleep. Getting out of bed, I stood beside her and touched her shoulder and gently shook her.

    "Hey its morning, Wake up sleepy head, you're going home.." Home sounded nice, but I was going too search fo rmy girl today I had a good feeling about today and the annoying thing is I told Lucien and Caspian I would bring them next time I went.

    "PETRA WAKE UP!" Petra bolted up right and slugged me in the rib cage, I laughed as she looked around wildly.

    "Calm down, also you have quite the punch." Petra shrugged and I made my way through the house and Petra followed like a lost dog...In some way I guess she might have been, she was lost.

    "Come on we have too get Lucien and Caspian, they live next door.." Petra gave me a weird look, and grumbled. I let out a sigh, I knew I'd have to explain it.

    "One, their my friend Fatima's neighbor's. And second of all I promised them.." Petra debated this and didn't keep asking questions, witch I was thankful for.

    We walked over next door, I rang their door bell and a few seconds later Caspian answered it. He was surprised too find me at their front door but welcomed us in, he closed the door behind us as Lucien came into the room shirtless and surprised.

    "Umm..Hey Nix what brings you here?" I didn't have time for this, I opened my mouth too speak but Caspian interrupted.,

    "Are we finally going to SunDrive City, Nix?" Actually he's right, they were.

    "Yeah actually, your right Caspian..Are you both travel appropriate?" We all looked at Lucien and he looked down at himself, and shrugged.

    "Almost, sorry excuse me for a moment Nix." Lucien left and ten seconds later he was back all spiffed up looking all fancy as he always did, Caspian and Lucien nodded.

    "Okay everyone hold hands, and don't let go!" I closed my eyes as Lucien and Caspian held hands and Lucien's face visibly got redder, Caspian took my hand and Petra refused too take their hands...So she too hold of mine, having her hand in mine made me smile.

    Darkness sounded all four of us and they all closed their eyes and in a could of black, it started too fade into nothing..I stand still as people walk by and gave us weird looks, at first I didn't understand why until I looked at Lucien, Caspian and then at Petra....Wait were was Petra?


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