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    Hello! Welcome all to my page! This is my page for uploading my polished skins only. My upload schedule
    is kinda shoddy, but in general I aim to upload once every 1-2 weeks. Now, onto the info about me!
    UK (no shit)
    Pronouns/Orientation/Gender Identity
    he/him/his | Gay | cismale

    I have Asperger's Syndrome, which is a mental disability that affects different people in different ways. For me, it involves me bouncing between different hyperfocuses on a near-weekly basis, as well as affecting how I self-regulate in terms of my anger and how 'sensitive' I am in terms of not getting a joke, or getting offended at something that to you might not be.

    I also tend to try and not engage in arguments or what I perceive as just pissing all over my efforts, even though to you it's just harmless criticism. I'd much rather just block you if you're going to do that instead of hearing you out even if you do have a good point. Unless you actually tell me what I've done wrong and ways to improve in a civil manner, I won't listen to you, really. And it's not from a place of 'Oh, I don't wanna listen to naysayers and surround myself with yesmen', although I would like to do that if I could, it's rather the fact that I just straight up didn't ask for your opinion.

    Sorry if that was a bit harsh, but I don't like comments about me / my work if I think they have absolutely no basis to be saying that, or if I didn't ask for critique in the first place.

    tl;dr is that if I don't ask for critique, I don't want it.

    My Asperger's also affects me in the way that I prefer schedule, and not necessarily routine (when set by others). What I mean by that is that I'd much rather plan my day ahead than have someone else do it for me. This is also ties into the fact that I don't like working with someone else and I much prefer working alone than with anyone else.

    *i'm making myself sound like an antisocial prick, but trust it isn't as bad as I make out ahaaa*

    I'm not good at focusing on the big picture, and I'm really more of a fine-details person.
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