Caged Skulk Charger Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Hoglins

Caged Skulk Charger

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W1z4rD_G04t720's Avatar W1z4rD_G04t720
Level 19 : Journeyman Mage
''A creature contained in a metal suit, with its front ripped open revealing two glowing eyes peering out of the void ominously.... It seems to be powered by souls, soul flames bursting out of the pipes extruding out of the suit...Its origins unknown, only that it is found motionless in the ancient cities found in the deep dark. Could this creature be organic in nature like the skulks? Or could it be the suit itself?...."

Just something I made for fun, was heavily inspired by the ancient cities that were teased in Minecraft Live and the skulk...also took some inspiration from the Colossi in Shadow of the Colossus.

I have bigger plans for this though, working on a more custom model for it to implement into a mod I'm working on. Might go back to this since I feel the metal does not look ancient enough....

Criticism is highly appreciated. :V

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