Fully Matured Devil Fish Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Pufferfishs

Fully Matured Devil Fish

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WDGaster2's Avatar WDGaster2
Level 55 : Grandmaster Herobrine

Youngest/Smallest: Blue to match the water with a similar appearance to other nonharmful tropical fish.


Young/Deflating: As the transition between the blue color of the youngest, to the red color of the full fledged adult (or fully bloated) this stage is sort of a dark purple.


Fully Matured Devil Fish: The hope was to make the transition from the calm blue colored youngling (that hopefully will "fit into the crowd" among the other schools of fish) to the fiery red and aggressive appearance of its fully matured form so abrupt that it would almost have a mini jumpscare effect to it.
ModelPufferfish (large)
ResolutionHD 2x

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11/11/2020 7:29 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Flowerguide's Avatar
Ahh yes the red swimming demon spiky angry fish now i shall let it eat me
11/09/2020 1:43 pm
Level 46 : Master Necromancer
ToDream's Avatar
11/07/2020 1:04 am
Level 49 : Master Blacksmith
BenGamin98's Avatar
Is this from a game?
11/07/2020 2:57 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Herobrine
WDGaster2's Avatar
No. It's an original idea. There might be something like it somewhere though.
11/07/2020 3:17 am
Level 49 : Master Blacksmith
BenGamin98's Avatar
I think it probably reminded me of something out of DOOM. Maybe the Cacodemon. Come to think of it that would make a really good Ghast.
11/07/2020 4:43 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Herobrine
WDGaster2's Avatar
I've never actually played the game before, but after looking it up I agree the Cacodemon does look pretty similar. I remember years ago I was really into drawing fantasy swords and various weaponry. I went to a youth group back then and some of the guys thought some of stuff was from the game series Halo (most notably my double sword which had two swords that faced the same direction and were connected by a handle, and my gun that had a hand guard that fully surrounded the hand. It also had thin spikes which protruded from the top of the gun (I can't remember their exact purpose -- whether they would fire from the gun or added to the hand guard's defense). I'd never heard of Halo up to that time, or seen any of its gameplay. One of the fellows brought in the game one time during a New Year's Eve party, and I got to play it for the first time. And they were right. Halo's plasma saber and needle gun looked strikingly similar to my stuff.
11/07/2020 5:35 am
Level 49 : Master Blacksmith
BenGamin98's Avatar
Cool stuff! Have you ever thought about translating some of your weapon art into Minecraft textures?
11/07/2020 6:10 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Herobrine
WDGaster2's Avatar
I'm not really sure how. I use PMC to make my skins, but I don't know of any software for making other texture packs, such as for weapons and blocks.
