Lagrosapien (Guild Race Skin Event) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Villagers

Lagrosapien (Guild Race Skin Event)

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GhostlyBit_57's Avatar GhostlyBit_57
Level 41 : Master Magical Boy
For LogMaiden's Guild Race 2 [Round 3] Skin Event

Better known as the Cotjeiens, They're a highly advandced race of anthropomorphic anural creatures, so advanced that their main goal has become the research of all the knowledge and advanced tech they can find in the whole galaxy. They always have a protocole when they encounter another advanced species, but they also always show that they have the right tools when threatened

Yep, I'm still on this boat captain, and I ain't gonna stop until the celestial guild wins!... or until you finally close the event :)

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