Noble Hangman Minecraft Skin
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Level 42 : Master Magical Boy
"Four human souls, torn with macabre forces,
And my Soul, freezes as the air gazes my skin
A wasteland of once a previous paradise, now layered with mortal corpses
Where nightmares rule, and tanquility is the only sin"

"I, do not ask for vengeance on hand
Nor for Heaven to arrive for us all
I only want for that "chosen mortal" to visit the nightmare land
To set peace once he answers my call"

"Now I give all my hope to the is with this reluctant hero
With his shell and core, strong enough to repel the repulsive fear

Hoping that the lord of nightmares, has spent his existance thinking all mortals are timorous
To offer this mortal the chance to tear the nightmare's heart, through a breach on its rear"

"This is my message,
To you, the man, from me, the Noble Hangman."

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07/20/2022 2:43 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Collective
I would... but nah.
