The Tall Man From Outer Space Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Mob Skins / Endermans

The Tall Man From Outer Space

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TheMechanist's Avatar TheMechanist
Level 40 : Master Pirate
This being is the allegory of mystery, well according to the research team that works on this monolothic spirit.

The so-called "Tall Man From Outer Space" is a five meter high non-identified object who ressembles an astronaut with spectacularly long and skinny limbs. The thing may look like a robot but the labcoats say it's a metallic skeleton, and speaking of skeleton, the head seems to conceal a skull-looking organ, this one looks rather odd and inconsistent, almost if it wasn''t real.

The metal slender has been standing up without moving by any millimeter on an hill covered by grass and surrounded by a river for almost 4 months.

However the scientists say the thing is alive.

Strange to say but in spite of the infinite curiosity of the team, none of the members went close to it, as if a psychological barrier protected our man.

Nobody knows where he come from but it's clearly from outer space. It's entierely composed by a science that is entirely different to the one we know and learned on earth. Nobody either knows what's the purpose of this visit on earth. Nobody is able to understand the message it seems wanting to share.

(original character by me)

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08/20/2021 9:21 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Hunter
Pittofer's Avatar
I was looking for enderman robot and this is the best of all that i found.
