Minecraft Mods

Custom Recipes - Make and customize your own crafting recipes!

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ehdfawq3er's Avatar ehdfawq3er
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Modder
Custom Recipes
v 5.0 for Minecraft 1.8.8!
Created by MightyPork
Developed by TheBoo
1.8 update by 61352151511

Requires Minecraft Forge

Errors in your recipes are written
into .minecraft/ CustomRecipes.log.

  • download and installminecraft forge
  • run MC to create needed folders
  • place this ZIP file into .minecraft/mods
  • run MC again
  • read mods/customrecipes/dictionary.txt
  • enjoy!

What is Custom Recipes?

Custom Recipes is a mod that allows you to make crafting recipes for
minecraft, without any coding knowledge. It's simple to learn and to
use, for example, the following line allows you to craft dirt into clay,
"shapeless ( dirt ) > ( clay )"

You can create aliases for modded blocks to use them in your recipes
too. These recipes also includes smelting, and creating fuels for the
furnace. Custom Recipes loads recipes from a file within your computer,
and loads them every time you enter a world. It also provides a log for
you to debug your recipes if something went wrong.

With custom recipes you may also remove existing recipes, and it works
completely with mods. Therefore it is very useful in modpacks, where you
might want to change some recipes for balancing, and disabling crafting
of certain items on your server.

Custom recipes is an open source mod, meaning you may look at the source code, learn and contribute to it yourself.

Custom Recipes on Github.

How to write recipes?

> View the official guide on how to write recipes on minecraftforum.net

CreditMightyPork, 61352151511
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

24 Update Logs

Update #24 : by ehdfawq3er 11/29/2015 6:27:35 amNov 29th, 2015

Hello everyone, time for another update. I've been extremely busy with school during the past year, but github user 61352151511 surprised me this morning by updating the mod to Minercraft 1.8.8.
  • Bump version number to 5.0 for Minecraft 1.8.8, Now uses gradle 2.1
  • Update to Forge
  • Mappings are now on snapshot_20151128
  • Added a new command "/citeminfo" tells you how you would add a dictionary entry for the item your player is holding.
  • The major change that was made was that dictionaries are now defined by modid:itemblockname,meta instead of id,meta. This solves an issue where adding or removing mods would shuffle item ids and custom recipes would mess up. The dictionary was rewritten to version 38 to support this.
  • Made possible to run the mod serverside only,

Thanks to 61352151511 for porting the mod to 1.8.8, and to LolHens for making it possible to run the mod serverside only.

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04/03/2017 10:22 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
Windrider25's Avatar
Is there a 1.6.4 version?

And if so, can you use this mod with modpacks?
I kindof just wanted to edit an item from the foodplus mod.
03/09/2016 6:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DaBausPlayer's Avatar
Hey dude, i haven't played around with it yet but is there a way to make it give back a certain item in the recipe as well as the end product? like when you craft a bucket with something you get a empty bucket back.
07/20/2015 10:58 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Toast
CamelChip579208's Avatar
Is it possible to use this mod for LAN servers? I would love to be able to use custom recipes for LAN parties and other stuff.
07/31/2015 3:58 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Modder
ehdfawq3er's Avatar
Yes you can! Just make sure the others also have the recipe files you have.
06/13/2015 10:49 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
fella_air's Avatar
I have a question.

Can you make recipes that produce items with enchantments/special properites, and if so how to do it?
06/15/2015 6:41 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Modder
ehdfawq3er's Avatar
No, not in the current version. It is something I have planned to add in the future, if I get around modding again. No promises though.
06/15/2015 10:44 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
fella_air's Avatar
well, i hope you are able to do this. I was inspired by Hypixel's UHC server custom crafting recipes and want to do something like that too!
04/07/2015 6:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
vavraCZe's Avatar
Where are the older version? I need for mc 1.4.7.
04/09/2015 10:07 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Modder
ehdfawq3er's Avatar
02/09/2015 9:38 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
Natsu219's Avatar
I love the new update! This is great if you don't wanna go through the trouble of Minetweaker and stuff like that! Thanks for always bein' awesome Mr. Boo!
