Minecraft Mods

Tales of Legends Kingdom Conquest fabric

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Level 43 : Master Herobrine Imposter
Take on the Tales of the Kingdom mod eventually ruling the place yourself and explore the land embracing the RPG elements with a bunch more fabric mods to improve your Minecraft Experience
Modpack is a W.I.P and when creating a world the castle doesnt always spawn it shall ask you to type in your name if it has worked properly! main menu logo is being annoying will also be fixed eventually but im happy with the content so far so i thought id share!

Press O to choose class and race!
Press G to open skills and talents menu!

This is a W.I.P RPG modpack that i hope to add on to quite frequently in the future as i do with my other modpacks seen on my profile!
  • Upgrade your skill tree to make your character as unique as possible!
  • Choose an origin race and class that will define how your whole gameplay experience unravels!
  • Complete quests for the Guild Master to earn your chance at owning the Kingdom some day!
  • Travel through treacherous dungeons fighting hordes of the undead and worse!
Curseforge coming tomorrow!
Should be doing series on all my modpacks asap personal life has gotten in the way.
Progress30% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

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