Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Altstadt, Gießen, Lahn, Hesse, Germany

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Henry Miller
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
Altstadt (Old town) was the old center of Gießen, Hesse, Germany. It consisted of many timber framed buildings mixed with historicist styles (Neo baroque, neo gothic etc. called "Gründerzeit". . . The town church was located in the center of it, it was the core of the city until the bombing raids of the 6-11th december 1944. In these nights the city was demolished piece by piece turning the crowded old town into an inferno. Since then almost nothing has been left of that period today. Terror bombings along with merciless Modernization having the "Automotive City" in mind, turned it into what it is now.

The old town does not exist anymore. The area that used to be called the old town is today called "Innenstadt" (Inner city) which is connected with the new town area) it is still the center of Gießen but has lost all its charme.

Finally downloadable the map contains aorund 300 buildings and my custom texturepack.

I hope you enjoy i will later work on the other districts of the city but for now the old town area is finished.
(some streets are cut off, these are streets that lead into the new town area but were behind the former city walls, therefore do not belong to the old town)

I build this alone, after this another project will follow.

The old town contains 10 Special buildings which are listed here:

Click to reveal
The map contains national socialist flags for historical correctnes.

Altes Schloss
Zum Löwen
Markt 11
Weiselsches Haus
Wallenfels'sches Haus
Leib'sches Haus

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Altstadt, Gießen, Lahn, Hesse, Germany Minecraft Map

Altstadt, Gießen, Lahn, Hesse, Germany Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

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07/25/2020 6:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
dieser moment wenn man in gießen wohnt xd
01/17/2019 5:49 pm
Level 41 : Master Architect
I'm sorry I couldn't help with this but it looks better than it would've been if I had helped!
11/20/2018 2:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Schönen Gruß aus Wetzlar!^^ Dass man die Heimat mal hier sieht hätte ich nie gedacht. Gute Arbeit!
Henry Miller
11/20/2018 2:53 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
Danke! Ja ich arbeite daran noch mehr von unserer Heimat zu machen, weil es ist wichtig zu sehen was alles verloren ist. Schau dir ruhig meine anderen Projekte an!
11/20/2018 3:44 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Das werde ich auf jeden Fall machen! Baust du nur zum Spaß oder lädst du die Map irgendwann mal auf einen Public Server?
Henry Miller
11/20/2018 4:43 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
Die Deutschen Altstädte lade ich kostenlos zum download herunter, weil ich will das besonders das gesehen werden kann. ich werde später ein Spendenkonto eröffnen im falle dass Leute mich finanziell unterstüzen wollen. (sobald ich mit der nächsten herunterladbaren map fertig bin) Die anderen Projekte wenn fertig werde ich verkaufen auf seiten wie minecraftmarketplace etc.
Death Order
07/02/2018 2:53 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
1 great town
2 are you going to build some suburbs?
3 are you going to build the train station?
Henry Miller
07/02/2018 3:14 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Artist
I started with the New town (neustadt) a while ago. here is one of the first submissions from it It will contain 2 more much higher churches, aswell as the train station and many more important buildings. and important streets like Seltersweg
05/04/2018 8:23 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
05/04/2018 4:11 am
Level 47 : Master Unicorn
Breathtaking one! :)
