Minecraft Maps / Complex

1:1 Scale Tenochtitlan 1500AD

  • 28,063 views, 1 today
  • 1,839 downloads, 0 today
  • 156
  • 53
  • 53
Level 82 : Elite Architect
As part of the Project 1845 umbrella of projects, we present to you a 1:1 scale replica of the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan from 1500AD (before the spanish turned up). This isn't meant to be the biggest or the first, this is for education and implementation into MCEDU.

Server IP: project1845.net:65525  (V1.8 Online)
Most Popular warp to Tenochtitlan: /warp Aztec1500
Project website: www.project1845.com

Download: Coming Soon
Texture Pack: Being Developed

Size: 9,100 x 9,720 Blocks

Map History

After 2 Months

After 6 Months

After 8 Months

Additional Notes
Progress Meters:
  • Blueprint: Completed
  • Lake: 95%
  • Roading: 15.5%
  • Farmland Island Base: Completed
    • Foliage 1%
    • Crops 1%
    • Roading 1%
    • Buildings 1%
    • Bridges 1%

  • Important Buildings: 1%

Expected Completion:

  • End of 2016
Frequently Asked Questions:
  1. Isn't Project 1845 a project of building Beijing? No, Project 1845 is an umbrella of many 3D historical enviroments, you can look this up on our main website www.project1845.com
  2. Can I use this on my server? Please no, Please respect our intellectual property, We would like people to know where they can go to get the most up to date version of our map. We respect your projects hard work and not steal from it, so please respect ours.
  3. Can I use this in singleplayer? Sure! we will be having a singleplayer download available soon. Once it is, you can explore on it, build on it or blow it up. We have a tradition of rigging it up with explosives for griefers to have a fun time in singleplayer.
  4. Can I film this for my youtube/livestream? Of Course! we believe everyone should have access to film things that are reached by the public. So your more than welcome to film or livestream the project for your communitys fans, all that we ask is to let players know the server IP and our website address www.project1845.com
  5. Are you still working on Beijing? Certainly, It is still being developed every day and is still on track to being completed on this. This city among others we have planned are side projects to complete along the way. Your welcome to become a volunteer builder.

This isn't the first project to do this city. No content has been stolen or used from other projects. I believe strongly in the freedom of information on the Internet so expect the entire worldsave and resource pack to be freely available.
Progress30% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by bohtauri 01/15/2015 4:14:50 amJan 15th, 2015

Lots of work has been done over the past 5 months. Heres a quick rundown of it.
  • All chinampas (Farmland islets) have been created
  • Main western avenue buildings outlined
  • Approximately 50 islands now have trees (out of ~1500 islands)
  • First monument in Templo Mayor complex has been added.
  • Main Website Page has been updated. Click Here
  • Screenshots of the Templo Mayor Pyramid has been added to PlanetMinecraft.
  • Server upgraded to !!!1.8!!! project1845.net:65525  /warp Aztec1500 (Future worldsaves will only be 1.8+ compatible)

We are also about to enable our minecount plugin to start tracking this projects progress so we could have a detailed block breakdown of all the work as it happens on a daily basis.

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09/22/2019 4:32 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Miner
fix the dowload
12/03/2018 2:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
I think there's smth wrong with the download link. Fix plz i need this
07/20/2018 11:09 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
05/12/2017 7:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Please fix the download. Copy.com was shut down.
10/25/2016 7:01 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
Is this still being worked on? theres just over two months left in 2016 with your estimated completion date of end of 2016. also http://www.project1845.com/ didn't work when clicked on
10/12/2015 2:36 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
I like the Idea i love tenochitlan 
:) nice work
05/29/2015 10:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Is this project still being worked on?  I would love to see this completed soon.  I have a strong passion for history, especially Aztec.
05/30/2015 8:24 pm
Level 82 : Elite Architect
It Sure Is! We usually go a few months between updating things on PMC, you should check out the projects website at www.project1845.com for more frequent updates.
01/28/2015 5:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wow this is huge, when the Xbox 360 version came out I started to make my own world on a super flat. Today on the Xbox one I'm still working on it with man made biomes, mountains, and structures. Good job.
01/22/2015 11:40 am
Level 48 : Master Architect
hey that looks great ..... by the way i also did the aztec temple check it out
