Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

8Bit Redstone Computer | Bamboo Core Inside

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thesneezingpanda's Avatar thesneezingpanda
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
8Bit Bamboo Core Inside | Redstone Computer

Here it is, the finest in Panda technologies, the Bamboo Core Redstone Computer.

Ok, so the whole bamboo part is just a play on my name, but this is a fully functioning redstone computer

This project is about 65% Complete.

It processes 8bit data, has 6 bytes of RAM and 32 Bytes of ROM (16 Opcode/16 Operand)


  • 0: N/A
  • 1: NOT
  • 2: OR Constant
  • 3: OR Memory
  • 4: AND Constant
  • 5: AND Memory
  • 6: XOR Constant
  • 7: XOR Memory
  • 8: ADD Constant
  • 9: ADD Memory
  • 10: SUB Constant
  • 11: SUB Memory
  • 12: WRITE Output
  • 13: WRITE Memory
  • 14: LOAD Constant
  • 15: LOAD Memory
  • 16: BRANCH Unconditionally
How it works
Full in-depth breakdown upon completion
Left to complete
  • Link opcode decoder to ALU/Memory/etc
  • Finish Accumulator
  • Implement load to accumulator from memory functionality
  • Build user-interface command centre
  • Write test program

Any feedback greatly appreciated, hopefully shouldn't be long until project is completed.
Progress65% complete

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10/16/2012 2:36 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
Phrozenbit's Avatar
Love this CPU Panda, looks really good. I'll be keeping an eye out for updates as well. You've got a subscriber :)
12/15/2011 3:54 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Wow man, your doing great, i can't believe how much progress you have made recently, i knew you had potential but glah!

This is a great looking computer ! and its a much more computationally powerful device then your calculator, but it's lack of conditional branching means it's still not Turing complete.

I am already eager for updates; best of luck [url=../../member/thesneezingpanda/][img=avatar]../../forums/download/file.php?avatar=196415_1322772360.png[/img][/url] .
12/15/2011 8:46 am
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
thesneezingpanda's Avatar
I'll have to do some research into conditional branching, I'm not overly familiar with the concept. I would presume that it acts like a conditional statement in high level languages, jumping if a criteria is met, say the accumulator = 0. I'll have to do some more research, but it's something I'll add
12/15/2011 4:05 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
You got it ; )

A single conditional comparison ( acc=0 for example ) IS actually enough to perform any calculation, but it may be very slow for certain ones ( where you might be for example trying to classify a number as being in a set of numbers, eg < 10 )

BTW, i made something your gonna like last night; ill upload it as a project after work.

Again, nice work.
12/15/2011 4:58 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
thesneezingpanda's Avatar
Ok, it'll be an interesting challenge designing the COMPARE function, but it does mean I'm going to have to add a fifth bit to my opcodes to allow for the conditional branching :/

I look forward to this mysterious build :)
04/17/2012 9:57 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
Actually, you've left yourself with some options; for example is opcode 0 unavailable or simple unused, if so you cauld use that as a compare function, or you cauld even memory map Your output device, leaving opcode 12 available : )

Love the project, and can't wait for whatever's next !
03/29/2012 9:51 pm
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
SilvercraftRedstone's Avatar
04/17/2012 9:49 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
On nice : ). But I think he's a do-it-yourself kinda Panda...
12/14/2011 10:59 am
Level 42 : Master Lad
Peri_Rawesome's Avatar
Description says 75% complete, progress bar says 65%. Pandas are known to be indecisive.
12/14/2011 3:00 am
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
