Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Aachen Cathedral

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Seytho's Avatar Seytho
Level 33 : Artisan Turtle
My interpretation of the Aachen Cathedral in Aachen, Germany. I saw it and thought: I must build this in Minecraft!!! Only the interior decoration was completely invented by me.
I recommend misa's realistic tp for this map, because of the smooth sandstone. I replaced misa kz.png (responsible for the paintings of a tp) with the kz.png of LB's Photo Realism tp, that makes the paintings look more "like-a-church-painting" :D
-> www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/misas-realistic-texture-pack/

The map include the Cathedral and a little cemetry with a chapel.

Here's a link of a photo/article of the real Cathedral: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aachen_Cathedral
Progress100% complete

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11/14/2014 6:58 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
catwezel's Avatar
I think this is the first time i came across a project of a large building while it doesnt seem too big in minecraft,
In fact i think its a perfect example of how to get it right without over scaling the building.

Have a diamond, and i think you deserve more attention on more of your projects.
11/19/2014 4:24 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Turtle
Seytho's Avatar
Thanks for the nice words. Overscaling is sometimes a problem, here on pmc. Everyone just want to build as big and epic as possible and maybe loses himself in the balancing. I visited your site and definetely liked your building style, it's something unique and special.
11/20/2014 5:07 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
catwezel's Avatar
Building on huge scale requires calculation, if one decides not to calculate than he should start and finish 1 wall before he does the rest.
ther's always a way to get it right afterwards but my issue is that extream builds is that the full building doesnt load in the game, ther's always chunks that remain out of sight, so when you rebuild a project in survival there will only be half of the building wich is a pitty.

btw thanks as well, If i wasnt so busy I would have uploaded way more of my projects, I have 100's of those builds, I basicly uploaded some medieval structures, but I also build in Asian, Arabic, 19th century&Steampunk, Renaissance, Aztec, Nordic, Baroque, Romanesque, Gothic, Carolingian, Victorian, and I also have a few houses in rustic style.
The next project i am going to upload in a whil is gonna be another early medieval house.
I am also working on some kind of little hidden aztec juingle temple area. I will also upload that a few weeks after the next.
06/08/2014 8:06 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
Als Aachener kann ich nur sagen "DANKE!"
06/09/2014 4:10 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Turtle
Seytho's Avatar
Haha danke. Ich komme zwar nicht aus Aachen, aber ich hoffe, der ist annähernd getroffen.
01/05/2013 1:09 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Architect
Rolofolo's Avatar
Very well done! Love it because it's small :)
01/05/2013 9:51 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Bunny
mega_franco's Avatar
Wow, wirklich schön gefällt mir gut :) Dia und Abo für dich.
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01/05/2013 2:39 am
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
ilikecutepeople's Avatar
nice design!
01/04/2013 6:25 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
hunter83345's Avatar
Coolies :D
01/04/2013 5:48 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
This is beautiful.
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