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Level 20 : Expert System
You must be in the snapshot 14w27a to use this command!

I made 3 books that contain tons of useful commands, gamerules and effects with the new JSON addition to books. It's super easy to use but the command to /give the book is very long. In the book, you can click yellow/green/red squares to activate different command or gamerule. If you click the text, it'll ask you if you want to open a link to the wiki of the command that I used (You must have the "Web Links" setting ON. You can find it in Option→Multiplayer Settings→Web link)

- Color coded Easy-to-use buttons
- Links to wiki
- 37 commands
Command List
- Kill Entities (all non-player entities, only items, zombies)
- Time (dawn, midday, dusk, midnight)
- Gamemode (survival, creative, adventure, spectator)
- Weather (clear, rain, thunder)
- Clear Effects
- Angel Block (create a block under your feet)
- Spawn Dummy (4 zombie types)
- 9 gamerules
Gamerule List
- commandBlockOutput
- doDaylightCycle
- doFireTick
- doMobLoot
- doMobSpawning
- doTileDrops
- keepInventory
- mobGriefing
- NaturalRegeneration
- 23 effects (separated by positive/negative) with 3 possible levels each
Effect List
- Speed
- Slowness
- Haste
- Mining Fatigue
- Strength
- Instant Health
- Instant Damage
- Jump Boost
- Nausea
- Regeneration
- Resistance
- Fire Resistance
- Water Breathing
- Invisibility
- Blindness
- Night Vision
- Hunger
- Weakness
- Poison
- Wither
- Health Boost
- Absorption
- Saturation

Unfortunatly, PMC seem to modify my command when I try to paste it in a spoiler (Trust me, I tried 5 times to copy from this description and from my notepad, never worked). So I decided to post it in a pastebin. Links are at the end of this post :)

I "stole" (not really) the name/idea Admin book from Dragnoz. I just saw that he used a similar book in one of is video, even if he probaly not invented the concept.

I'll try to add more and more commands/usefull stuff in the book until I reach the caracter limit! (At least I hope so).

I would like to have suggestions on what to add in that book. Don't hesitate to comment!

You are free to use this command when you want! I find it really useful when I create a new map (to setup the gamerules, to test my unique items, etc)

Progress80% complete

1 Update Logs

1.1 : by TheRedSkorpion 07/19/2014 11:30:53 amJul 19th, 2014

- Splitted the first book into two: one with the Frequent Commands and another one with the Gamerules.
- Added a 3rd book: Effects
- Added 70 commands:
    23 Effects (List) with 3 levels each
    Kill Entities (Zombies)
- Changed the Angel Block from Quartz Block to Glass
- Clarification: the Weather command now have a duration of 10 days IRL and it specifies it in the book.

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01/01/2015 9:43 pm
She/Her • Level 48 : Master Nerd Fox
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing. I had no idea it was even possible to make a book with buttons in it. O.O

The frequent commands book doens't seem to be working in 1.8.1 though. it's giving me a 2 page book that says on both pages *invalid book tag*
08/05/2014 7:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
what about a give command that lets you get the command_block
08/05/2014 8:31 pm
Level 20 : Expert System
I didnt bother adding it since the command is simple to do:
/give @p minecraft:command_block
You can literaly write it in 5 seconds if you use <tab> but thanks for the feedback!
08/06/2014 8:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
what about a command that is like the map builder in a box, activate and it clears your inventory gives you all the basic redstone items
slot 0 redstone dust
slot 1 repeater
slot 2 comatator
slot 3 hopper
slot 4 sticky piston
slot 5 piston
slot 6 red wool
slot 7 orange wool
slot 8 blue wool
slot 9 command block
08/06/2014 5:19 pm
Level 20 : Expert System
I could make a command that do this but the problem is it's too much of a personal choice. Not everyone put their items in the same slot. For example, I use
0- main building block (quartz)
1- redstone dust
2- redstone torch
3- repeater
4- comparator
5 to 7- whatever I need for the current build
8- command block

I think I can make a command easily for that but it would be though for everyone to go change for the blocks they want....
08/08/2014 1:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yes but still valueable thats why i loved the map in a box ting
07/19/2014 12:46 pm
Level 1 : New System
This is insain! Great Job!
07/19/2014 12:59 pm
Level 20 : Expert System
Thanks :) Posted it cause I'm sure it could help someone in their map making / testing :p
07/18/2014 7:16 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Answer
This is incredible. Much easier to run commands now
07/18/2014 12:35 pm
Level 20 : Expert System
Thanks alot man! I was thinking about update it to make 2 version. one that you use when you create a new map (all the gamerule, "angel block" that I use when I create an empty world, etc) and one for overall testing that contains the other commands :)
