Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Ankh-Morpork [Read description]

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Level 27 : Expert Miner
I have started and will be continuing to build the city of Ankh-Morpork from the Terry Pratchett Diskworld Novels. This will be based on the map that Neil Gaiman designed. once i have the basic layout set i may start up a server to get people to help me build the hundreds of buildings.

Portals to the nether will make the Unseen University able to occupy another dimension so that it more realistic.

I may need texture pack for this map as well as the standard water available is not murky enough to tribute Pratchett.

I am using MCEdit to help with this build as it is so extensive manually clearing and doing the large ground works would take far to long.

I hope to upload plots for people to build on then i can import them into this city.

Also this wont be perfectly 1:1 copy of the map image i am still a pretty amateur builder, it will reflect the city as best i can, it will be excellent when finished.
Progress5% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by jasonxwoods 08/14/2011 4:46:26 pmAug 14th, 2011

Major Rework of the river so that the inaccuracy of it is corrected

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08/23/2011 2:16 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Vampire
08/09/2011 2:30 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
hi i was just wondering how wide you have made the Ankh at the Rimward river gate.
08/10/2011 10:28 am
Level 27 : Expert Miner
not entirely sure i haven't measuerd it about 100 blocks'ish i know this isnt going to be 100% book accurate, but it is going to be a fair representation, hopfully close to the map as possible
08/08/2011 9:58 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
Brilliant. It looks impressive already. I definitely will want to toss Ideas with you about the Unseen University (One trap I was toying with would be an automated dispenser shooting out apples. Death by fruit? Of course I would have to change the values but it's an interesting concept, especially if it was placed in the dining hall). I'm still stuck with doing measurements for my abbey, every time I decide to incorporate an architectural type to the main building I have to redo the equation to let in space for the pond, orchards and grounds. My main problem is that the rendering is inconsistent and It's hard to measure piece by piece. Is there any way to expand the rendering scope so it doesn't fluxuate?

Btw tell me if you need any help or idea for the city, I love teaming with creative people, they tend to bring you out of your shell and let you go wild.

Good luck again!!!
08/08/2011 1:07 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
Well when we are both ready to start the university i will let you know, and we can start to knock out some ideas.

In minecraft itself i dunno about render distance other then whats built in, in mcedit CTRL + F changes the render distance. i also found it renders quicker if you hold your mouse over another window in the taskbar
08/07/2011 7:12 am
Level 33 : Artisan Robot
I am more than willing to help with this! I LOVE YOU!
08/07/2011 8:16 am
Level 27 : Expert Miner
Now the river is done i intend to map out all the roads, allys and things then i will be left with hundreds of spaces for buildings to be built, then i will be able to get as many people involved as possible.
08/07/2011 7:14 am
Level 33 : Artisan Robot
Change the 0% to 5% now you've done the river. It might attract more people.
08/02/2011 1:38 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Pirate
i like the look of this idea loads. <3 the disc world series, cant wait to see some screen grabs.
08/02/2011 1:51 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
once i have filled the river i intend to try to get a screenshot of the whole river but i dont think it may render it all as it is very large, and i am running it on a laptop so we shall see
