Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Archipelago of Greek Gods

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Seins's Avatar Seins
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Hi guys! I'm an old minecraft gamer since it was released but this is the first project I decided to upload. I hope you'll like it!

I present to you a Greek Archipelago composed by 11 major islands each one related to one of the Ancient Gods. Each island will be featured with some typical building and landscape that refer to the god patron.

Island of Demeter
Island of nature and cultivation, full of houses, lakes, forests and wheat terrains.

Island of Hermes
The home of thieves and merchants, it's full of caves, hidden places and market districts.

Island of Zeus
The island where the ports are dominant, full of water passages.

Island of Dionysus
Mostly covered of vines and luxury home where the night life take place.

Thanks to the creators of the texture pack Romecraft: Iberia! I love it!
Progress25% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Seins 09/26/2019 1:52:51 pmSep 26th, 2019

Island of Zeus finished!

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07/28/2019 6:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
airman416's Avatar
Good job! How to download?
07/29/2019 12:59 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Seins's Avatar
I will upload it after the summer!
