Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Ardhon-Feredir (WorldPainter Terrain)

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Level 44 : Master Ranger

This map was created in WorldPainter by using and merging 9 different heightmaps of different regions from around the world. This project was heavily inspired by The Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien) and The Witcher (A. Sapkowski). All words that were used for naming different parts of the map come from Quenya and Sindarin.

Description of the Map

You will spawn in the very center of the map, next to Amon Feryn ("Mountain of Hunters"). If you decide to go to the northern and the eastern regions, you will find various forests, wooded hills and many lakes and rivers. In the southeast, you can see Daer Aelin ("Great Lake") surrounded by Eryn Amarth ("Forest of Doom"). In the south rises Amon Ondoher ("Mountain of the Stone-lord"), an old giant that existed before every other mountain and hill. To the southeast stands Amon Tirith ("Hill of Guard"), an old viewpoint for hunters and soldiers. Finally, to the west, lays Dinmoth ("Quiet Marsh"), the site of the ancient battle.

Map Information

-Size of Ardhon-Feredir: 3072x3072
-Water Level: 60 (Caves, caverns and chasms are not flooded below this point.)
-Surface Levels: lowest point=60, highest point=188
-Number of Biomes: 14 (river, stone shore, swamp, plains, forest, birch forest, dark forest, wooded hills, taiga, taiga hills, giant tree taiga, mountains, mountain edge, snowy mountains)
-Structures: There are no structures (villages, strongholds, mineshafts...) because WorldPainter is unable to support Populate command for Minecraft 1.15 or later. Furthermore, this "issue" will drastically reduce animal spawning and change resource frequency.
-Recommended version: 1.16 (Java only)
-REMARK: Although there is a dark forest biome included on the map, there are no dark oaks. They are replaced with a mixture of different types of trees.


Custom Tree Repository by lentebriesje: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/native-trees-of-europe-template-repository-1779952/
Evman's Free Brush Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/evman-s-free-brush-pack-44-high-quality-custom-brushes-world-painter/
Jeracraft's Epic Worldpainter Brushes: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/six-epic-world-painter-custom-brushes/

Final Notes

This map is great for creative building, but you can also try it in survival (I do not recommend it due to Populate command issue). You are free to use it for anything you want (personal stuff, servers...), but please don't claim it. Share your thoughts and advice with me if you want. It would help me to improve my future works.
I hope you enjoy it!
Progress100% complete

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08/10/2021 8:29 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
I wish i could use this in tandem with the ruins i'm currently building. That being said, your work looks remarkable. Keep up the good work man.
08/11/2021 1:53 am
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Thanks man! Feel free to use it for anything you want. Enjoy!
08/13/2021 9:42 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you kind sir! I'll see what i can devise with the map when i have the time to do so. Once again, i really love your work man.
