Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The Island of Númenor: REFORGED [Minecraft 1.19.2, WorldPainter Terrain]

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Telcontar's Avatar Telcontar
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Hello there! After one year of absence and inactivity, I'm back with a brand new map of Númenor. I've been practising and improving my skills for a very long time and I can honestly say that I'm very satisfied with this second iteration of the map. The first version, which is exported for Minecraft 1.16, is still available and you can check it here if you want.

This project was inspired by the work (both writings and maps) of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, an English writer and scholar best known as the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Every description of Númenor comes from The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, which were both finished and published by his son, Christopher Tolkien.

The Island of Númenor: REFORGED [Minecraft 1.19.2, WorldPainter Terrain] Minecraft Map

Númenórë by Christopher Tolkien

Description of Númenor

Númenor was the kingdom of the Dúnedain, located on an island in the Great Sea, between Middle-earth and Aman. The land was brought up from the sea by Ulmo as a gift to the Edain for their part in the war against Morgoth. It was also called Elenna ("Starwards") because the Edain were led to it by the Star of Eärendil, and because the island was in the shape of a five-pointed star. The first ships of the Edain arrived at the island in S.A. 32. Elros, son of Eärendil, was the first King of Númenor, taking the name of Tar-Minyatur ("First King"). The majority of the Edain gradually migrated to the island in the next fifty years and the Drúedain refugees who dwelt at the Mouths of Sirion before the sinking of Beleriand were permitted to join them. The Elves of Tol Eressëa visited the island and brought many gifts, such as birds and plants, and shared their lore and skills with the Men. The descendants of the Edain rose to become a powerful race of Men, the Númenóreans.

The Island of Númenor: REFORGED [Minecraft 1.19.2, WorldPainter Terrain] Minecraft Map
The island itself was in the shape of a 5-point star, each point having its own unique geological and physical features. Each point, therefore, was considered a separate region of Númenor and had separate names:
  • Forostar (Northlands)
  • Andustar (Westlands)
  • Hyarnustar (Southwestlands)
  • Hyarrostar (Southeastlands)
  • Orrostar (Eastlands)
  • Mittalmar (Inlands)

Forostar (Northlands)

Forostar was the northern promontory of Númenor, a land of rocks, cliffs, and high moors with woods of fir and larch
. It stretched some two hundred miles from its southern borders with the Mittalmar to its North Cape. The great road from Rómenna to Andúnië passed through its southern parts, at Ondosto.
The lands farther north, toward the Cape, became rockier and more mountainous. In the far north was a region around the peak of Sorontil, where the landscape fell sheer into the sea forming tremendous cliffs. This was the abode of Eagles, and also the dwelling-place of Meneldur Elentirmo, heir to Númenor's throne and a watcher of the stars, who built a great tower here to follow the movements of the heavens.

Vertical view of Forostar
Vertical view of Forostar (Chunky render)

Side view of Forostar (Chunky render)

Eastern shores of Forostar (Chunky render)

Andustar (Westlands)

Andustar was the western promontory of Númenor, separated from the Hyarnustar to the south by the wide Bay of Eldanna. The Andustar formed a very roughly rectangular region, about 240 kilometres west to east, and 160 kilometres north to south. To the east, it bordered the Forostar and Mittalmar regions, but in all other directions, it was surrounded by the ocean. It was also bordered in the coastal south by the small region of Nísimaldar.
The Andustar was a generally fertile region, except along its northern coasts, where the landscape became higher and rockier, and forested by firs. Its western shores were broken by three bays, with the northernmost of these being the Bay of Andúnië. On the high land around this bay, the Númenóreans built the port and city of Andúnië, whose Lords were to be the ancestors of the Kings of Arnor and Gondor.

Vertical view of Andustar (Chunky render)

Side view of Andustar (Chunky render)

Rocky hills of Andustar (Chunky render)

Hyarnustar (Southwestlands)

Hyarnustar was the southwestern of the five regions of Númenor, noted for its vineyards and fertile farmlands, although it became more mountainous in the far southwest
. Hyarnustar's long southern shores leading to Hyarrostar were composed of wide white beaches and grey shingles.

Vertical view of Hyarnustar (Chunky render)

Side view of Hyarnustar (Chunky render)

Mountains and beaches of Hyarnustar (Chunky render)

Hyarrostar (Southeastlands)

Hyarrostar was the wide promontory that spread out to the south and east of Númenor, and in fact, contained its easternmost point
. Along its southern shores were wide beaches of white sands, and on its western borders, where the shorelands were interrupted by the mouths of the river Siril, stood the township of Nindamos. The Hyarrostar was most famous for its trees, and it held great plantations that provided much of the wood used by Númenor's shipwrights.

Vertical view of Hyarrostar (Chunky render)

Side view of Hyarrostar (Chunky render)

Southern shores, plains and forests of Hyarrostar (Chunky render)

Orrostar (Eastlands)

Orrostar was the eastern promontory of Númenor, a roughly rectangular block of land some two hundred miles west to east that was surrounded by sea on all but its western side
. A range of hills ran along its northern coast which protected the region from cold north-east winds. Especially in its inland parts, Orrostar held some of the most important farmlands of Númenor where much grain was grown.

Vertical view of Orrostar (Chunky render)

Side view of Orrostar (Chunky render)

Golden fields of Orrostar (Chunky render)

Mittalmar (Inlands)

was a pastoral region of grassland and pasture that lay in the central parts of the island of Númenor. The borders of the Mittalmar formed a roughly oval region, two hundred and fifty miles west to east, and one hundred and seventy north to south. Near its centre rose a single tall mountain, the famous Meneltarma, the Pillar of Heaven, where religious processions took place, 3 times per year. On its southern slopes was Noirinan, the Valley of the Tombs, where the bygone Kings and Queens of Númenor were entombed. The two main rivers of Númenor had their springs in this region, the Nunduinë which flowed westward, and the Siril which flowed south.
The eastern part of the Mittalmar was the most important region on the whole island. This was Arandor, the Kingsland, where the royal city of Armenelos stood, as well as the bustling eastern port of Rómenna. A road ran between these two cities and carried on westward across the Mittalmar and into the western parts of the island.

Vertical view of Mittalmar (Chunky render)

Side view of Mittalmar (Chunky render)

Meneltarma rising in the distance (Chunky render)

Descriptions of Númenor are taken from The One Wiki to Rule Them All (https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Númenor) and Tolkien Gateway (http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Númenor).

Map information

The Island of Númenor: REFORGED is an improved version of the original map. It was edited in World Machine (applied erosion processes, snow mask, river mask...) and refined in WorldPainter (applied different types of terrain and layers). Although Númenor contains every type of ore and a vast number of materials and biomes, I would not recommend it for survival mode since it has no vanilla structures (you can always go beyond the map border to the regular Minecraft world).

Map dimensionsBiomes (current number: 27)Issues
Map size: 4096x4096Plains: standard, sunflower plainsNo structures
Map centre: X=2048, Z=2048Forest: standard, flower forestCertain lore deviations
Building range: Y=-64 to Y=319TaigaTerrain imperfections
Highest surface level: Y=319
Old growth taiga: pine and spruce variantBroken cave generation/lack of new types of caves
Water level: Y=62 (Minecraft default)Swamp: standard, mangrove swamp
Border size: 256 blocksWindswept hills: standard, gravelly hills variant
Border type: voidSlopes: meadow, grove and snowy slopes

Peaks: stony, frozen and jagged peaks

Beach: standard, stony shore


Ocean: lukewarm, deep lukewarm, warm and deep ocean

Caves: lush and dripstone caves, the deep dark

In-Game Footage without shaders
Bay of Rómenna

Nunduinë delta

Cliffs of Hyarrostar

Lake Nísinen

Eastern slopes of Meneltarma

Hyarnustar noon

Forests of Hyarrostar

Valley of the Tombs

Sunflower fields of Orrostar

Beaches of Hyarnustar

Northern mountains of Númenor

Siril delta

Bay of Andúnië

Sunset over Meneltarma

Peak of Sorontil

In-Game Footage of custom caves
Lush cave entrance (with&without shaders)

Lush caves at night (with&without shaders)

Giant dripstone caverns (with&without shaders)

Deep Dark corruption (with&without shaders)

View from the Deep Dark (with&without shaders)

The Deep Dark (with&without shaders)

WorldPainter Gallery (terrain&layers)
The Island of Númenor (2D view of terrain)

The Island of Númenor (2D view with layers)

The Island of Númenor (3D view of terrain&layers, NE)

The Island of Númenor (3D view of terrain&layers, SE)

The Island of Númenor (3D view of terrain&layers, SW)

The Island of Númenor (3D view of terrain&layers, NW)

TERMS OF USE: You may not use The Island of Númenor for commercial purposes. You may not distribute modified material as your own creation. You are free to use it for various things such as playthroughs, creative building and for servers (it would be nice if you would provide appropriate credit and link to this site).


WorldPainter: https://www.worldpainter.net
World Machine:
Custom Tree Repository by lentebriesje:

Evman's Free Brush Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/evman-s-free-brush-pack-44-high-quality-custom-brushes-world-painter/
Jeracraft's Epic Worldpainter Brushes: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/six-epic-world-painter-custom-brushes/
Chunky: https://chunky-dev.github.io/docs/

Final notes

This work is far from perfect and I would be glad to hear your thoughts on it. I'm still learning how to use World Machine and WorldPainter so any suggestions are welcome. It would help me to improve my future maps.
I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Progress100% complete

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08/12/2023 9:11 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Teekoy's Avatar
What a beautiful map! We absolutely love to use this as a hunting zone for the Mythic Mobs Bosses on our server. we'll keep the map's name and its lore intact. and of course, you'll be given full credit for your lovely work!
08/14/2023 3:04 am
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Telcontar's Avatar
I'm glad you enjoy it! Thank you for the kind words :)
07/02/2023 7:42 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
t0adwarrior's Avatar
Absolutely extraordinary work! The map would be fantastic by itself, but that you were able to create this map and stay so true to the lore is incredible. Very nice work, my friend!
07/02/2023 9:26 am
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Telcontar's Avatar
Many thanks! There is still enough room for improvement. I'm also preparing the 3rd version of Númenor which will be the closest to Tolkien's writings.
03/22/2023 4:01 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
mrkaboomboom's Avatar
is this numenor from the tolkien books?
03/22/2023 6:55 am
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Telcontar's Avatar
Yes, it is!
10/09/2022 12:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SaloX's Avatar
I want to use it for a server with my friends that I'll be streaming. can I use it? (With credits obviously)
10/11/2022 11:47 am
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Telcontar's Avatar
09/18/2022 11:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4321033G's Avatar
I want to use this for a yt vid for a small channel of mine, the channel is at 18 subs, would it be alright if I used it?
10/03/2022 1:48 am
Level 44 : Master Ranger
Telcontar's Avatar
Of course!
