Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Atlantis (Assassin Creed Odyssey)

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Level 47 : Master Architect
A Giant Terrain from the Atlantis DLC.
Map version:
1.16.4 or above and 1.18 or above
Map size: 3k x 3k

Not 1:1

Updated Map size: 3k x 3k

the circle is not perfect, not even with the water. Im sorry about this issue.

I hope you like it.
Discord: Yunitee#3106
or Join my Discord Server.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Map Update : by Yunitee 07/19/2022 4:21:01 pmJul 19th, 2022

Added new World:

- 1.18.1

Old Atlantis Map in the same Download Link

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09/12/2021 10:53 am
Level 38 : Artisan Pyro
So whenever I load it up it's just a bunch of diorite instead of grass and dirt. I tried it in both 1.16.4 and 1.17.1 and it's the same exact issue. Anyone else getting this issue?
09/12/2021 3:10 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
I replaced the dirt and grass with Diorite, that's not a mistake, you just have to fly further away or raise your chunks, then you will see that this is not a mistake.
