Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Autumn Vibes - An 'FBC' Contest Entry

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Uknownymous's Avatar Uknownymous
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
I have built another thing that I share to the world; parading it about gladly and proudly and happily. :D
Althoughh this didn't go that well. The individual parts of the build are really nice (deer excluded) and I was really glad about how they turned out, but the overall piece simply feels too dark and no matter how much lighting I added it didn't change that, even at day, because the trees blotted out all the light. XD
Still, I do like how it turned out. :) I think it absolutely could've been better but I'm pleased with what I did end up with as it looks really magical with all the mass of wondrous lighting so while it could have ended up differently, I really like how it did end up, and am pleased with the end result. :)
Except the deer.
But at least it's recognisable, yes. xD
Autumn Vibes - An 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map

Throughout the build I included things such as mushrooms and flowers to try to add some foliage to it, mixing it up with a few different colourings of some otherwise duplicate designs, and adding in grass with smaller flowers as well to make it so even at the small-scale it still felt quite well populated, including end rods on the mushrooms and flowers and within the tall blocky grass, and glowstone under the green carpets across the grass floor, to 'shine a light' on the scene.
Autumn Vibes - An 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map

To stay true to the Autumn vibes theme with even the wildlife that I included, I added in squirrels and a deer with the colour-schemes one could expect of animals trying to blend in amongst the red and orange autumn leaves scattered throughout the scenes, flowing in the midst of the wind and the wilderness. I also added in mice to pay a little homage to the user Dymfire, who, as this was a competition, sought to compete a little with the lovely submission of their Autumn Picnic. The build, as you can imagine, included mice, and I quite liked the mice so I tried making one of my own. It turned out rather different, inevitably, but yes, I felt I wanted to include a little inspiration from that among my otherwise autumn-coloured wildlife. :)
Autumn Vibes - An 'FBC' Contest Entry Minecraft Map

The trees themselves were inevitably one of my favourite pieces of it, but they delayed me by a whole two days in the process of building them because I simply didn't quite get it right and restarted a few times too, changing how I was making them - heavily - each attempt. I think I could do it a lot more efficiently if trying again but I also think I'm not the most keen, but it was definitely fun. :)

Overall I feel pretty happy and satisfied with how it turned out, yes. :D This is for the official Minecraft Discord's Fortnightly Building Challenge, hosted once more by Cookie#0001 at the link of https://discord.gg/minecraft, so if you're interested in participating yourself then feel free to check it out. :) The theme for this one was "Autumn Vibes" so I really was not creative at all with the name because I feel my project is best summed up by the theme itself. :)

I'll update this with how this does. :o
Update for how it did - Second place; the winning entry was a build by Mauripichi, which can be found here: Autumn Forest.

CreditWorld-Edit, Sildur's Shaders, and the Builder's Refuge Server for building on it.
Progress100% complete

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01/22/2021 9:54 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
Ricefieldd's Avatar
Great, I missed too many masterpieces from you.
01/23/2021 11:13 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Well, now you've seen it, so thank you. :D I'm glad you like it. :)
01/24/2021 12:11 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
Ricefieldd's Avatar
I can't be Shuu since I screw up my email. Without it, I can't no longer know when it's your next masterpiece. Now I'm back and glad that you're not dead.
01/24/2021 12:55 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
o: I see. I appreciate searching for my profile after making a new account and commenting to make sure of that. :) It's sweet. ^~^ As for the previous account; Shuu, try asking in https://www.planetminecraft.com/tickets/ about getting it back; it might work (or might not) and it doesn't hurt to attempt to ask anyway. :)
I didn't really recognise "Ricefieldd" though so saying "Shuu" made it a lot more obvious. xD It has been a long while. :) It's nice to know you're not dead too.
12/04/2020 10:58 pm
They/Them • Level 47 : Master Waffle Toast
Whispearl's Avatar
Wow, aweeesome!
12/05/2020 2:12 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you. ^~^
11/18/2020 1:02 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
Thunderstorm96_x's Avatar
I am the only one who thinks that these magnific trees reminds u of the twilight forest but better?

i mean the magic feeling, the huge trees and the darkness...
11/19/2020 12:44 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
o: I can see that kind of resemblance too, yes. I like the idea of this being a massively enlarged twilight forest concept. That sounds cool and would be hellish to chop down trees in survival but at the same time really impressively cool to experience.
11/16/2020 2:57 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
Mauripichi's Avatar
Wow, That looks stunning! I love what you did with the lighting, it makes it feel magical. Also, those trees look really good! :D
11/16/2020 3:26 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you! :D I'm happy you like it, although unfortunately Minecraft's lighting didn't work out how I wanted as the scale was just too big to light up to my liking so a lot of the effort in the details got lost in the dark, but I'm glad it still looks magical. :) Your own was a lot tidier and more straight to the point, so good job on that. ^~^ You did great.
