Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Beauvais, cathedral of Saint-Pierre

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Comrade Rick
Level 45 : Master Demolitionist
The Saint Peter's Cathedral of Beauvais is the culmination of French High Gothic architecture.
It is located in the heart of Picardy.
The amazing height of the choir vaults reaches 48 metres, the highest of any Gothic church in the world.

Medieval builders watched their creation collapse in the year 1284 due to a lack of supporting construction, leading to the creation of extra piers, which are still visible today. The enormous costs of this collapse and reconstruction caused works on the building to be temporarily halted.
In the sixteenth century, building recontinued and the lavishly decorated transepts were built. plans for the construction of the nave never came into being, as funds dried up and interest in the project was lost.

Over the years I have learnt about this building, and visiting the site this summer has peaked my interest.
I decided to reconstruct this building as it stands today, with minor visual adjustments, at 1:1 scale.
The interior has not been completed.
Progress90% complete

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11/08/2023 3:46 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
This is so beautiful! I hope you finish the interior, but either way it's very detailed and very well recreated!
10/31/2023 5:23 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
