Minecraft Maps / Other

Call of Duty Black Ops II Zombies Tranzit Remake

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Level 17 : Journeyman Dolphin
Well here it is. I'm working on recreating all of "Tranzit" from Black Ops II. I was really impressed with this map and felt really inspired to make it. I have a problem however. I only have the game. No system. I don't get the game system for it til Christmas. So I'm running off of videos and the picture of the map. It would be much easier to do this actually playing it, but I won't get that for a while. I hope to have this done before new years.. So anyone who could help me with "what's to far apart, to close, to small, to big, what's the wrong color". Stuff like that. I would like to make this map exactly like game so I could take all the advice I could get. If anyone has mods for it they'd like to recommend just comment with a link. (Using Modloader, toomanyitems, minimap, and spawner gui) Also any questions just comment...

**I'm considering finding a server for this. It's so monotonous working on this alone :(
Progress5% complete

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just craft in
12/02/2012 6:23 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragon
hey, I am planning on making a playable tranzit map, but I suck at building structures but I am good with redstone so I was wondering if I could use your map when it is finished and I will give you credit for building terrain if you let me.
11/29/2012 10:26 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragonborn
I,m doing the same project and I have the map on a Hamachi server if you want to work with me and Tager12 I sent to your e-mail the hamachi network and the ip of the server.
This is my project:

Note: The Building of Bus Stop is almost entirely like your Bus Stop in my server. So don,t worry. The next thing that I,m going to made is the way (Diner-Farm) and the farm .
11/29/2012 7:46 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dolphin
Interdasting. I'll check it out. I do like what I can see on your bust stop.
11/26/2012 10:43 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
hey im working on the same thing and wanted to know if your putting in the tunnel for the tranzit and the nache der undertoten? im not looking for a 1up im looking for someone to share ideas on this topic and how to create different things within the game.
11/27/2012 8:45 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragonborn
is best this project
11/26/2012 10:37 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Dragonborn
ok put the download once complete
11/26/2012 11:16 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dolphin
I will be updating the download link when I'm finished with bus depot, I will update per area I finish. Looks like there will be 9 areas.
11/26/2012 1:51 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Dragon
If this is built on a server i would come in and help if so IP? I have the game and know every single place in TranZit and i can walk anywhere and know where it is
11/26/2012 1:58 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Dolphin
Sadly it's not a server :/
11/26/2012 2:00 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Dragon
:/ Mmaky but the iron doors in the Starting room, next to the crafting spot move them over by one block and also may i have permission to tweet this out and also make a remake of it ?
