Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

✙ Castle Giebichenstein ✙

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Ragnar le Rouge's Avatar Ragnar le Rouge
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
✠ Hello everyone, ✠

In this project I share with you a realistic medieval "reproduction" of a german castle located in Saxe and it is totally furnished and Survival Friendly.

I took inspiration from his shape in 1300s share with us by Wolfgang Braun, here is his website : http://burgrekonstruktion.de/main.php

✙ Castle Giebichenstein ✙ Minecraft Map

It has been built by the first Holy Roman Emperor, Otto I, the Great who gave it to the Archibishopric of Magdeburg.

In my version, it has still this historical background and geographic situation but I have modified some aspect of it.
First, I enhanced the defense of the castle and also added some anachronistic weapons and armors because I felt that it will be more epic.
Also the hamlet is totally my own invention but I have tried to made it as realistic as possible.

I have made my best to try to make a true credible medieval castle and thus a totally autonomous land.
For exemple:
The castle is located in a trade route between Lübeck and Brunswick and mainly exchange goods like mead, honey, wine, beer, wood and furs.
The castle have a garnison of 60 guards at max and have enough storage to hold a long siege. Also rooms can be furnished into bedrooms for townfolks to come in case of an attack.
The small monastery serves mainly as an host house for travellers and merchants.
There are enough fields and orchards to feed all the population (also crop rotation is established to ensure good fertility of the soil).
Every house is furnished and the owner has a job that serve the castle and the hamlet.
There is also a nice heritage of old germanic paganism near the village with a tomb and some runic stones just here for you to explore.

Most importantly the map is fully playable in survival, every ores, caves, dungeons and villages are still there and are left unexplored, so if you want to start a roleplay server, I think this map is for you !

All have been built in creative 1.13.1 with plugins like WorldEdit and the terraforming is done using a combinaison of WorldPainting, WorldEdit and VoxelSniper. the castle is compatible for all versions of minecraft PC above 1.13.X
The render is made with Conquest_of the Sun by monsterfish and the BSL's shaders.
I use the monsterfish_Conquered Tree Schematics for the vegetation I highly recommand to use the Conquest or at least the EXCALIBUR texture pack to enjoy it.

Copyright and ownership:

You are allowed to use this map for any non-profit project as long as I am explicitly credited as the owner of the build (you can refer to my username or directly send a link to my PMC page).

If you want to use the map or a modified version of the map for a commercial use, just send me a private message, I've always found a way to make it possible.

✙ Castle Giebichenstein ✙ Minecraft Map
Progress100% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by Ragnar le Rouge 12/22/2018 10:50:30 amDec 22nd, 2018

-Updated the world to Minecraft 1.13.X
-Adapted and enhanced the world with the latest Conquest texture pack update (Update #202)
-Rework the roads
-Enhanced interiors details
-Enhanced every stone structures
-Enhanced the monastery
-Fix biomes issues
-Added a lot of miscellaneous details all over the map

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11/07/2023 2:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Fynjy's Avatar
Absolutely astonishing!!! I was exploring it in creative and flights give cinematic experience, a bit reminds of Talmbreg from KCD. Superb, but such a pity that auto-generated villages look so outdated
05/22/2022 2:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hgbhujghj's Avatar
Can I use this on my RPG server,
12/22/2020 7:11 pm
Level 44 : Master Miner
lunke67's Avatar
01/14/2019 9:55 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Archer
Kwanatla's Avatar
AMAZING MAP! One of the best medieval builds I've seen so far! I absolutely love the level of detail in this! It's so realistic! DIamond to you!
07/23/2018 7:25 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
amy19920's Avatar
how did you get the elder futhark on the signs?? iʻm trying so hard to get it to work but i canʻt figure it out. are you using a special kind of coding to make it show up? i really want to incorporate runic alphabets onto a map! <3 keep up the good work!
Ragnar le Rouge
07/28/2018 3:25 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
Ragnar le Rouge's Avatar
Hi, I use Microsoft Keyboard layout creator 1.4 in order to create a virtual keyboard with the unicode elder futhark runic fonts and then I simply use it on minecraft signs. tbh I was quite impressed that it worked the first time :) but its seems to work with most unicode fonts. Thank you for taking an interest in my work and have fun with this technique :D

07/28/2018 11:10 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
amy19920's Avatar
oh my god, this is perfect!! thanks so much for letting me in on the secret! i can put in all kinds of ancient texts/runes with this! WOOO :D
07/05/2018 10:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XingTianO's Avatar
Can I use this on my server??
Ragnar le Rouge
07/06/2018 4:39 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
Ragnar le Rouge's Avatar
Yes of course !
05/08/2018 12:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
minecraft1530135's Avatar
Would you be able to enable the 3-D world viewer on the project? It does not seem to be that big of a map.
