Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Conquered_ Trees Decayable Edition

  • 3,708 views, 1 today
  • 727 downloads, 0 today
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Level 29 : Expert Botanist
This pack contains 58 unique trees from MonsterFish_'s Conquered_ tree and rock pack but modified so that the tree leaves decay when all logs are destroyed similar to the behavior of vanilla trees.


-tree leaves are not matched up to wood type. (Ex. palm trees with jungle logs have oak leaves)

-there is no map, I didn't really feel like it.

-trees may not look as good as the originals, you loose detail when all the leaves must be connected.

-this download only includes the trees, please visit the original pack for the rocks.

I'd like to request that you don't re-upload this pack and take credit for it. You may however use this for any project without giving me credit. You should give monsterfish_ credit when using this pack as requested in the original pack.


MonsterFish_ (for original tree pack)

Millocracy (for helping me create the pack)
CreditMonsterFish_, Milocracy
Progress100% complete

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