Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Container Gantry Crane

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Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity

this is a gantry crane used for loading and unloading container transporting cargo ships. ReconGaming06 asked me to build this.
For this project I had to use a new building style in which I don't use any blocks having a render distance shorter than solid blocks. This includes not using any banners, skulls, item frames, signs and so on. It was necessary to only use blocks getting rendered until the chunks unload because of the cranes size. Until now, this crane is my longest and tallest vehicle ever built.

By the way, if you were wondering why I classify this crane as a vehicle, I explain it like this: The gantry crane moves on tracks. So, it is as much a vehicle as a train but on a shorter track.

There are pathways all over the crane and the entire crane is fully walkable. You only have to get onto it first, which may require a little bit of help because the ladder doesn't quite reach the ground (because I didn't want to remove a button).

In the winch housing are two transformers (electrical ones, no cars, no robots) and winches to operate the crane.

And it looks super beautiful at night I forgot to say.

I built this crane based on a Google SketchUp model ReconGaming gave me.

Progress100% complete

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01/06/2022 3:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
give it like a map pliss
01/08/2022 12:52 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
I don't make entire maps, I only build certain things that I particularly like. You could also say I build props for other people to use in their maps or to get inspired by.
My goal is not to deliver fully finished maps to consume but rather to make single builds as good as possible to showcase what is possible and to inspire people.
06/03/2020 8:46 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
What era is this crane made for. WWII, Cold War, Modern?
06/04/2020 9:31 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
This is a modern crane made for large container ships. Of course, this doesn't stop anyone from using it in a setting in another era.
04/08/2019 1:58 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
When pasting my schematic into the schematic-folder, WorldEdit can't find it in-game? Someone else having that problem?
04/08/2019 2:29 pm
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
Yeah, that's because I built this crane in 1.13.2 and you can only load and paste the schematic in an 1.13+ world. If you're using World Edit for 1.12 or lower it won't work :/
04/11/2019 12:32 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
Oooh! Got it
12/24/2018 2:34 am
Level 17 : Journeyman System
I've been needing a crane for a long time, but this is too complicated to rebuild in survival.... I still love the claw though :D
12/24/2018 8:36 am
He/Him • Level 88 : Elite Elf Deity
It probably also is too big for survival, isn't it? xD
But, yeah, realistic things seldom are simple.
Thanks for liking the claw ^^
12/24/2018 12:05 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman System
I want to use part of the claw, and chain mechanic you have, would that be okay? my crane looks like crap anyway xD
