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Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
A Greek-Roman inspired Government Courthouse, similar to many buildings in Washington D.C. Features include a waiting area, two cells for convicts waiting to be tried, and the actual court itself, in a majestic dome. The dome houses the jurors' seating, podium for judge, etc. This building really utilizes Nether Quartz Blocks and Pillars. If you use this structure, leave me some credit! It took a while! If you like this building, let me know! Thanks!
EDIT: Floor may be cut off. If so, please let me know!
EDIT 2: Fixed cut off issue. Please re-download. Sorry for the trouble
Progress100% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by JTPWNSU 07/01/2014 7:09:47 pmJul 1st, 2014

Updated building schematic due to update of building structure, and updated photo library accordingly.

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