Minecraft Maps / Other

Craft Your Own | Dame tu Cosita [Minecraft 1.13 Datapack]

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CrazyCowMM's Avatar CrazyCowMM
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy

Can you gather all of the materials to craft your own Dame tu Cosita?

Make sure you grab plenty of emeralds!
Craft Your Own | Dame tu Cosita [Minecraft 1.13 Datapack] Minecraft Map
Craft Your Own | Dame tu Cosita [Minecraft 1.13 Datapack] Minecraft Map

You'll also need plenty of other materials to complete the crafting!
Craft Your Own | Dame tu Cosita [Minecraft 1.13 Datapack] Minecraft Map

Once you've crafted him, you can trade to get his super powerful armor!

However trading isn't the only thing he does!

Every 10 seconds he summons a platform of emeralds below him!

Every minute he teleports
away, so get your trading in fast!

All Recipes and Trades

Thanks to Swifter1243 for the Dame tu Cosita model!
CreditCrazyCowMM, Swifter1243
Progress100% complete

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10/01/2018 7:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AlexLoneWolf's Avatar

Nice XD Have to download this to my real and surprise my friends randomly lmafo

Nice work, well done

10/01/2018 8:51 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
CrazyCowMM's Avatar
Lol thanks!
08/26/2018 11:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ZombFighter's Avatar
I hope you realised that "Dame tu cosita" actually means "Let me hold your reproductive parts". I don't really think this should be a mod.
08/26/2018 6:35 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
CrazyCowMM's Avatar
Firstly I would like to mention that its not a mod, and secondly it's just a meme man. Like I get that's essentially what it means in Spanish(although it literally translates not to let me hold your reproductive parts but to let me hold your little thing where cosa is thing and the following -ita means small.) but... idk have you like not seen all the meme things or are you just commenting this on everyone?
08/29/2018 1:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ZombFighter's Avatar
Mod just means modification. A datapack is a modification as it modifies the data. I get it's a meme, but it's also inappropriate. This is actually the first thing I have bothered to comment on regarding the meme, as to me it is one of the most cringiest memes.
10/01/2018 7:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AlexLoneWolf's Avatar

Oh noes! God forbid there's an inappropriate meme on the interwebs! Seriously, you don't like it, move on and find something else better to do in your life. And by your logic, a resourcepack can be a mod, but in the case of Data Packs, it's a specific "Pack" of code that doesn't modify the native code of the game, but an addon.

You no gusta? Move on.

You don't know the common "Mod" categories of minecraft, don't point it out.

Have a nice day ;)

08/29/2018 6:07 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
CrazyCowMM's Avatar
Just feels like you're attacking me about making it is all.
