Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Crystal Mall [V. 2.0] [WITH DOWNLOAD]

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Level 44 : Master Architect
Welcome to the all new and improved Crystal Mall v2!

Crystal Mall was a project I had started a few years back, with the sole intention of proving a mall map which server owners could use for rent to players, or other builders could fill the stores. Recently, I had realised that the old mall was very bland and old-fashioned; so I took it upon myself to fix this.

This project has several major changes compared to the older version. The whole mall has been given a remodernised look and many more new features have been included. This includes; a food court, toilet areas, booths in the middle as well as an outside opportunity for dining. Wherever there used to be a very simple tree with bonemeal, now has either a custom tree or a fountain.

1- You may use this map within your server, provided you have credited me by username somewhere.
2- You may not claim ownership of this map or schematic
3- You may not sell this project on
4- You may not make minimal changes to the map, then re-upload to PMC
Progress100% complete

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01/28/2018 4:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I know you posted this over a year ago and might not care, but the pillars with the beacons explode when you go near them. is this a bug? Or am I in the wrong version? Great map though.
02/19/2018 7:38 am
Level 44 : Master Architect
Hello, I launched it in a 1.12.2 version, with both survival and creative mode. I could not replicate the bug at all. If you could provide a few more details such as the version you launched on and whether it was a server or single player world, I could have a deeper look into it for you.
02/23/2018 12:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
It was a singleplayer world in 1.10.2. I was using creative mode.
