Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Detailed Cottage (Survival - Download - Detailed)

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Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Versions: 1.19.2 - 1.20.4 (Both respectively uploaded)

Resource Pack: Mizuno's 16x16 craft (Standalone, no CIT)

Mods: None (Plugins - WorldEdit & Optifine)

Shader: Configured BSL

Architectural Flavor: Medieval, Cottage

Astrological Sign: Pisces ♓

Construction basis: Commission

Build Breakdown:

This build was commission by, believe it or not, a powerful lady with a PhD in oncology with trailing credentials that will put most of us to shame. If you think doctors and specialists are scoffing at the idea of playing Minecraft when they idle, you stand in great error haha. Delving into the blissful nature creativity, we often forget that our formal brethren shares mutual interest in the informal dabblings of modern technology while actively gracing us with great industry and appeal within their respective fields of labor, study, and dare I say, "evolutionary" progress that births change and hopeful conveniences for layman and intellectual. I'm not 100% sure why I've been appointed the task of erecting a build for her among hundreds of builders who will wipe the floor with my sorry ass, but I'm nevertheless privileged to be tasked the liberty of creative gymnastics despite pressing matters in my country.

The basis here, without a reference image, was simply a cozy cottage with a greenhouse manifest by my own initiative. Although I almost settled for a basic structure that would have defined a cozy cottage by proportion and simplicity, I ended up adding a lot more than just feminine aspects. Hell, I think the entire thing eventually dominated its foundation with masculine appeal and stature that completes the balance between its much warmer interiors, enjoying the play between colorful terracotta and wood variations. This play of colors flushed the predominance of plain hues that would have felt too monochromatic for a form of architecture that bear semblance to the so called medieval ages.

While WorldEdit tries to ease us into the conveniences of fast pace building, we tend to lose that personal feeling of placing blocks individually when time permits its application; this was the route I chose. Though its effects was employed, I chose to patiently chisel a massive rectangular base into a peculiarly structured foundation that felt fitting for its purpose, essentially seating the house into its painstakingly carved environment. In doing so, I found a very interesting way of forcing tick entities like vines and immersed kelp to be selectively stifled from growing into a dangling mess with Walls and the Debug Stick. Thus their growth will not destroy the visual consistency of the build while it ticks in your survival journey, leaving the house in perfect shape from day one to one-hundred.

The geometry of the greenhouse were completely circular at some point, but rounded down to a u-shape that implicates much deeper meaning to those who understand the geometrical influence beyond "shapes".
Book entries entertain the mind on topics that connect to the build, secrets, esoterica, and articles of interest that might resonate with you; or not. This build has a lot more clandestine qualities than you think, so don't be fooled by the limited visual expression in the walkthrough, she may surprise you with "great things".

Inclusive to the primary structure is an older build that I tweaked and refined with a similar yet different perspective, riding on the fact that she-too utilized Mizuno Craft in retrospect, a fitting addition that affords an extension to your survival journey from raise to drop geographically. I also added optional performance mods that will indefinitely produce noticeable FPS increase for older systems. Seeing that I don't really have a "beefy system" myself, I managed to hover in the ranges of 70 - 80 without any stutter or pop-in lag on a high BSL preset and draw distance.

All and all, the build, despite being looked upon by some as JUST a house offers promise and complexity that stems from great patience and vision without any similitude to convention. All angles were checked, and structural growth from start to finish were more focused on a personalized approach that almost ignored WorldEdit entirely; resulting in effort that honestly can't be understood if you haven't decided to ventured on a building journey to determine how difficult it can be to raise these things from the ground. Either that or I'm just not good at building these things at a rapid pace.

The next time you see builds that towers over what I create, try to put yourself in the shoes of these people and come to the realization that these builds take a lot more than "oh okay, cool" moments from viewers who think it just another day on the plainfield of creatives. You are not forced to gaze in disbelieve, nor strained to appreciate the extensions of mental labor to a degree of marvel, however, complex builds takes a lot of time, and often frustration haha. Be mindful of the amount of effort it takes for even the most basic of structures erected by novice and advance builders that rightfully feel proud of what they produce regardless of so called "levels of building".

Although this is my hobby, its advancements adds a drop in the bucket that enables me to survive in a harsh national climate that might be foreign to the privileged but common to my current objective experience. In short, your Patronage is appreciated, thanks a billion!

Philosophy and insights:

The conveyance of insight via YouTube clips does not imply my personal conformity to certain belief systems or conspiracy. Life is often far more stranger than Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings. The fact that you are breathing at this very moment entertains the idea of physiological intelligence that faaaaaar exceeds AI. Trying to grasp a sense of understanding for such operations are daily stimulated by humans that strive to bring the nature of creation to light despite its subjective nature. Some serve gods, others the omnipotence of a singe deity, while some exclusively believe that all came about by accident. These animated excerpts drawn from the open minded are like books that echoes the voices of the ancients, thus I think it necessary to direct attention to the work of those who might instill deeper meaning in contrast to basic perception that often make us feel like our lives are for naught. Sometimes it genuinely feels like humans are being herded like cattle towards a prescribed purpose that serve some impish dick in the "west". At very least, try not to laugh at the idea that some -if not most- conspiracies are actual truths dressed in ragged attire.

Quote, because why not:

"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up."

Nelson Mandela
CreditWorldEdit, BSL Shaders, Optifine, Mizuno Craft, and the PMC community for the support and inspiration!
Progress100% complete

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05/25/2024 2:36 pm
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Zombie Architect
What texture pack?
05/25/2024 5:39 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Mizuno 16 Craft. It's honestly worth the creative investment if you feel like using something different that still stays true to the vanilla experience.
05/24/2024 3:31 am
She/Her • Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer Cat
how does the astrological sign impact the build?
05/24/2024 4:06 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
It doesn't. It simply implies the membership tier associated with it. Though technically, astrology does play a role in whatever we do. As the uncommon quote goes - "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do." J.P.Morgan
