Minecraft Maps / Underground Structure

Fallout Shelter - Project Bunker

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ChrisPerson's Avatar ChrisPerson
Level 39 : Artisan Network
UPDATE: IC2 version!

For users of Industrial Craft 2, there is a new version of the map out - this time, it really is fully loaded, complete with a nuclear reactor! More information in the readme file!

A kind of a fallout shelter based in a Primordial Desert map. It is a fully equipped base, including incinerators, a library, an auto-harvest farm, and much more.

Sorry about the file size. I had no idea how much space I'd need. You'll need 7zip or WinRAR to decompress it though.

I even added a story to explain WHY the base is there and WHY you are there. I just forgot to mention why there's snow in a desert. That's because nuclear fallout disrupted the weather patterns, causing it to snow in deserts.

Additional Notes

This took over 36 hours to build. You'll know why when you've seen it properly.

Why not just a zip file? BECAUSE I GOT A 9% COMPRESSION RATIO USING .7z, THAT'S WHY!
Progress85% complete

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12/24/2012 2:48 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
thecraftyminer's Avatar
is it in creative
01/03/2013 10:57 am
Level 39 : Artisan Network
ChrisPerson's Avatar
No, it is not - funnily enough, when I built this, there was no creative, and I was... well, too stupid to use TooManyItems, so I had to use INVEdit. Please tell me that SOMEBODY remembers that thing?
09/18/2012 6:40 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
171292's Avatar
For some reason, WinRar doesn't like the .7z format... It gives me a huge list of errors saying that the extraction failed due to "unknown method".
09/18/2012 6:48 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Network
ChrisPerson's Avatar
7zip is far superior to WinRar - it'll unarchive just about anything, and it's faster too. I've used both, and when I uninstalled WinRar, never looked back.
09/18/2012 7:30 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
171292's Avatar
I have to say, you are definetly right about that! I installed 7zip, and I don't think I'll ever use WinRar ever again!
09/18/2012 7:31 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
171292's Avatar
Awesome map, Btw! Diamond and sub!
12/19/2011 5:13 am
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
TheOddPuff's Avatar
your anti aliasing is not working
12/20/2011 4:39 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Network
ChrisPerson's Avatar
Oh so THAT's why it looks more grainy... and why Photorealism no longer gets 100 fps.

I must have disabled it, because I enabled it again after this was taken, and MC now runs like a slug on 256x texture packs. I'll have to disable it again.
12/21/2011 9:15 am
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
TheOddPuff's Avatar
my anti-aliasing is working correctly, it looks amazing.
but when i tried it with my friends computer, i got the same effects as in your screenshots.
12/21/2011 4:20 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Network
ChrisPerson's Avatar
It all depends on your graphics card, and possibly your processor.
