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c4ndyr4vr604's Avatar c4ndyr4vr604
Level 57 : Grandmaster Robot
This project was inspired by (and not meant to be emulating) the "Fluid House" by Sanjay Puri.

I would like to give a special mention to Heiden who was instrumental in my discovery of this architect.
Progress100% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by c4ndyr4vr604 11/09/2012 12:07:12 pmNov 9th, 2012

Redid the schematic removing all extraneous terrain features and isolating the house from its surroundings.

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02/25/2012 3:10 pm
Level 49 : Master Ranger
TemporarilyStick's Avatar
Well that are a very nice shape there. Not so normal to, but still nice!
02/23/2012 6:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Plasmadogg's Avatar
You earned a diamond from me. I really like the design very modern, when you construct your buildings do you like to build it block by block or do you use MCedit? Because I prefer to build my structures block by block
(Which will be seen when I add my own projects), just a simple question really.
02/23/2012 1:36 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Robot
c4ndyr4vr604's Avatar
I used to feel guilty about using MCEdit until I realized I could do the very same things much faster with it. Now I use it all the time. On this particular build though, I stuck with the more conventional method (block by block) because of all the detail, but with other builds, particularly skyscrapers, I have now qualms about "cheating" with editors. In fact, I kind of have to use MCEdit whenever I can if I ever expect to get my city done in any reasonable amount of time.
02/24/2012 3:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Plasmadogg's Avatar
True.. I wouldn't say that you have to feel guilty as some designs are extremely complicated. What I found is a program that I'm still going to download (can't remember the name now) that takes schematics and slices them block by block to see how it is made up. I'm going to practice on a few complicated builds using the slices so I can understand how they are designed. Once I got a concept on how they built. Then build my own designs by hand.
02/02/2012 5:18 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
Sherlington's Avatar
Des ist echt gut. Mir gefällt was du mit den verschiedenen Ebenen angestellt hast :)
02/02/2012 1:27 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Robot
c4ndyr4vr604's Avatar
Danke. Und herzlichen Gluckwunsch zu Ihrem Debut auf Planet Minecraft!
Phantom 095
01/29/2012 5:07 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Caveman
Phantom 095's Avatar
3 minutes left on the DL, cant wait to explore!
01/27/2012 11:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
VictorKyllingstad's Avatar
have you just improvised?
01/27/2012 1:22 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Robot
c4ndyr4vr604's Avatar
I improvised in some places, mostly on the inside. I tried to follow along with the actual house design whenever I could without worrying too much about accuracy.
01/16/2012 5:01 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
upor's Avatar
the question is how many blocks of tnt does it take to blow it up
