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How to find on server: /warp Yppeton, /warp Eamund, /warp Ealdsele, /warp Dunharrow, /warp Schephurst

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ArdaCraft's Avatar ArdaCraft
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network

"All day far below them a leaping stream had run down from the high pass behind, cleaving its narrow way between pine-clad walls; and now through a stony gate it flowed out and passed into a wider vale. The Riders followed it, and suddenly Harrowdale lay before them, loud with the noise of waters in the evening. There the white Snowbourn, joined by the lesser stream, went rushing, fuming on the stones, down to Edoras and the green hills and the plains. Away to the right at the head of the great dale the mighty Starkhorn loomed up above its vast buttresses swathed in cloud; but its jagged peak, clothed in everlasting snow, gleamed far above the world, blue-shadowed upon the East, red-stained by the sunset in the West.

Merry looked out in wonder upon this strange country, of which he had heard many tales upon their long road. It was a skyless world, in which his eye; through dim gulfs of shadowy air, saw only ever-mounting slopes, great walls of stone behind great walls, and frowning precipices wreathed with mist. He sat for a moment half dreaming, listening to the noise of water, the whisper of dark trees, the crack of stone, and the vast waiting silence that brooded behind all sound. He loved mountains, or he had loved the thought of them marching on the edge of stories brought from far away; but now he was borne down by the insupportable weight of Middle-earth. He longed to shut out the immensity in a quiet room by a fire."

- The Lord of the Rings, Book 5, Chapter 3, 'The Muster of Rohan'


Folde was an ancient and historic region of Rohan, which contained both the capital, Edoras, and the first capital, Aldburg. It was the homeland of the royal family.

The Folde was the centre of the kingdom. Its boundary eastward was roughly a line south-west from the junction of the Snowbourn and Entwash to the mountains; the Eastfold was the land from that line east to the Fenmark between Entwash and the mountains; the Westfold was along the mountains as far as the River Isen. To the south lay the White Mountains.

The defensive centre of the Folde was at Edoras.

Behind Edoras lay Harrowdale, a deep valley between three great peaks - Dwimorberg, Starkhorn and Írensaga. Towards its southern end, there was a high cliff which could be reached only by a narrow, winding path. This was known as Dunharrow, an old refuge of the Rohirrim in times of war. Théoden used it to muster his army before riding to Minas Tirith in the War of the Ring.


The intention with this project was to capture the vast, open feel of Rohan, whilst maintaining a sense of historical and agricultural realism - based especially upon Anglo-Saxon buildings and farms. Each village and homestead was led by either a single builder or team of two builders, with contributions from others. The farms were built seperately, using our extensive research on mediaeval farming techniques in the process. Each village was named using Old English - the language Tolkien used to represent Rohirric.

There are two towns, five villages, twenty homesteads, two lumber camps, a quarry, and an iron mine in the Folde, and over 2400 beds. It is only a part of the kingdom of Rohan, which is set to be the largest kingdom on ArdaCraft's map so far.

For anyone who is interested in seeing a detailed timeline of the project's construction, the Folde project thread on our forums provides a good overview.

The Folde forms part of a larger project which seeks to recreate Middle-earth in its entirety. Credit goes to MicahVanderman and Eaglz for leading this project, and to the entire community of builders for leading all the villages and homesteads therein.

The Folde can be viewed from above on ArdaCraft's dynmap. There is no download available, but ArdaCraft is a non-whitelisted server which anyone is welcome to come and explore, provided they have installed our modpack first.

All information can be found on our website.
Progress100% complete

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08/27/2020 3:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cryptious's Avatar
What is the Texture pack that is uses in the photos? As well as the shaders?
08/30/2020 6:27 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
ArdaCraft's Avatar
This is Conquest using the Conquest Reforged mod.

The shaders are a mix of Conquest of the Sun, SEUS, and Voyager.
07/25/2020 8:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CyDres's Avatar
how can i Download this map?
07/25/2020 12:54 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
ArdaCraft's Avatar
Please read the description.
-Fox McCloud-
07/19/2020 3:34 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Fox
-Fox McCloud-'s Avatar
fantastic as always
07/19/2020 9:28 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Terraformer
Ineylan's Avatar
My God! Arda! Enough! I don't have enough diamonds and likes for you!)
07/19/2020 9:14 am
Level 34 : Artisan Engineer
Swavis's Avatar
Wow, very beautiful, looks like a village from The Witcher 3, I really like that.
07/19/2020 8:46 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
Ludwig90's Avatar
This is so epic, I love such realistic builds!
