Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Fort Ticonderoga

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bobsajit's Avatar bobsajit
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Engineer
I made this over the past two days with some of my room mates. Hope you guys enjoy it.

total build time: ~5 hours

Major commands used.
/b line -> for plotting out triangles
/b over d# -> for grass

//stack -> for wall heights and general help
//copy & //paste -> for the guns
//fill -> for filling in the walls

And the rest was placing blocks the good old fashioned way. =]

Additional Notes

Fort Ticonderoga, formerly Fort Carillon, is a large 18th-century fort built by the Canadians and the French at a narrows near the south end of Lake Champlain in upstate New York in the United States. It was constructed by Canadien Michel Chartier de Lotbinière, Marquis de Lotbinière between 1754 and 1757 during the Seven Years' War, often referred to as the French and Indian War in the USA. It was of strategic importance during the 18th-century colonial conflicts between Great Britain and France, and again played a role during the American Revolutionary War.

The site controlled a river portage alongside the mouth of the rapids-infested La Chute River in the 3.5 miles (5.6 km) between Lake Champlain and Lake George and was strategically placed in conflicts over trade routes between the British-controlled Hudson River Valley and the French-controlled Saint Lawrence River Valley. The terrain amplified the importance of the site. Both lakes were long and narrow, oriented northo south, as were the many ridge lines of the Appalachian Mountains extending as far south as Georgia, creating the near-impassable mountainous terrains to the east and west of the Great Appalachian Valley that the site commanded. The name "Ticonderoga" comes from the Iroquois word tekontaró:ken, meaning "it is at the junction of two waterways".[3]

During the 1758 Battle of Carillon, 4,000 French defenders were able to repel an attack by 16,000 British troops near the fort. In 1759, the British returned and drove a token French garrison from the fort merely by occupying high ground that threatened the fort. During the American Revolutionary War, the fort again saw action in May 1775 when the Green Mountain Boys and other state militia under the command of Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold captured it in a surprise attack. Cannons captured were transported to Boston where their deployment forced the British to abandon the city in March 1776. The Americans held it until June 1777, when British forces under General John Burgoyne again occupied high ground above the fort and threatened the Continental Army troops, leading them to withdraw from the fort and its surrounding defenses. The only direct attack on the fort took place in September 1777, when John Brown led 500 Americans in an unsuccessful attempt to capture the fort from about 100 British defenders.

The British abandoned the fort following the failure of the Saratoga campaign, and it ceased to be of military value after 1781. It fell into ruin, leading people to strip it of some of its usable stone, metal, and woodwork. It became a stop on tourist routes of the area in the 19th century. Its private owners restored the fort early in the 20th century. A foundation now operates the fort as a tourist attraction, museum, and research center.
Creditroom mates, Nicole, and vorske
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by bobsajit 11/17/2011 4:04:31 pmNov 17th, 2011

Changed the terrain around it to make it smoother.

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07/06/2015 5:51 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Seegras's Avatar
I actually considered making this as well, instead I went for http://seegras.discordia.ch/Blog/minecraft-castle-good-hope-construction-site/ Good Hope (in South Africa) but never finished.
But then, I already had http://seegras.discordia.ch/Blog/minecraft-vaubans-fortress/ which was modeled after the fortress of Bayonne.

Oh, and please provide a download, thank you!
03/16/2013 8:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PotatoHeadphones's Avatar
Can you please put up a download link? I really need it like a lot
11/07/2012 11:49 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Demolitionist
wtfblake's Avatar
any chance that this will ever be a download? its epic
05/24/2012 8:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EragonFan220's Avatar
really cool.. i bet it took a year to make this.. i dunno.. really cool though
05/09/2012 12:41 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Frenchfry2244's Avatar
can you make this world downloadable because I need the fort for a project and am not as amazingly artistic or accurate in minecraft as you!

01/27/2012 10:52 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dolphin
x3Power's Avatar
better than the pencils...
12/19/2011 4:37 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Mattianmcc's Avatar
Nice. I started building a huge star shaped fort like this, but mine was a liitle too big, so I never completed it. This is a much more manageable size.
Drew is xBAwws
12/06/2011 5:34 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Drew is xBAwws's Avatar
looks pre good
11/17/2011 4:39 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Electrician
juddaba's Avatar
Hurrah !!!
11/17/2011 5:36 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Baconator
Rova's Avatar
A cool build and a history lesson! WIN
