Minecraft Maps / Other

Minecolonies: Frontier 1.16

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Level 41 : Master Miner
Welcome to the Minecolonies Frontier building style. Its conceptually based on the Oregon Trail. Basically you start in wagons, then move to tents etc etc.

Extract the zip to your instance/structurize folder to install.

Your Supply camp becomes your town hall and there is no supply ship. A survival guide is located on the lectern in the supply camp.


1.00 - Initial Release
1.01 - Added Step path (quadstep)
1.02 - removed approx 90% of 'grass' and 75% of Coarse Dirt.
1.03 - Inverted Hospital lvl 4 & 5 stained glass.
1.04 - removed flowers from stepquad rails. added stepquadwalls
1.05 - added t-rail field (for player use) - Edited Residential District, T-Rail decos to include sign for t_field anchor point.
1.06 - herder schematic fixes. added 'frontier modded' (pwarehouse and tcon smeltery) tcon smeltery follows normal progression (melter-smeltery) no forming multiblock, smeltery is upgrade friendly from lvl 2. If you do not have Tinkers Construct installed, schematic will still build but minus the tinkers blocks.
1.07 - fixed tinkers schematics requiring uncraftable items. expanded lvl 3 to include alloyer etc. added additional note in the TH book.
1.08 - added hidden deco controller and groundlevel tag to fix non placement bug in Minecolonies Release 1.0.0 - as of this release support for this fix is NOT added to the mod - this is preemptive
1.09 - added minor decorations to town hall.
1.10 - adjusted lvl 3 citizen hut to try to correct sleeping outdoors issue
1.11 - Emergency warehouse fix
1.12 - removed book & quill from alt warehouse
1.13 - trimmed some excess solid placeholders
1.14 - plantation tag fix
1.15 - removed book & quills, restored missing alt barracks
1.16 - moved enchanter to alt enchanter (university version) added standalone enchanter 1-5. MAY break your save.
1.17 - miner node fix
Progress100% complete

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12/19/2021 10:28 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Hey I'm having an issue with the Tinkers Smeltery. A lot of items are just not getting detected by the colonists. They have the books (Materials and You and Puny Smelting), plus a few other items. Any ideas on getting these to work?
02/10/2022 11:21 pm
Level 41 : Master Miner
if you can go to creative, try giving them creative versions of those items. sorry for the delay, I rarely check here as most bug reports are given to me on the minecolonies discord
08/26/2021 1:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Roads can't be upgraded, the option does not appear in the decoration controller
08/29/2021 6:02 pm
Level 41 : Master Miner
this is due to a bug in minecolonies/structurize. the fix is coming soon.
