Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Open World Adventure Map

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Level 21 : Expert Explorer
I am starting work on this again!

This is a heavy WIP (Work In Progress) map that will, when finished, be an adventure/RPG map! I will probably be updating it at least once a day, sometimes more often. This map is now downloadable!

Here's the start of the storyline:

You awake in a small house and all you can remember is your name. You have no idea how you got here or where here is.

Out of nowhere, you hear someone yell something unintelligible but you don’t know who they are yelling at. You decide to get up and listen to hear what they could be talking about. You hear your name in their conversation and then something regarding death. The other person says something about going on a quest for some kind of legend instead of death. You hope they are talking about you. You decide to go back to sleep since your body says it’s dark out and you start yawning.

You wake up the next day and you are in a house with windows and you don’t hear people talking today. All of a sudden, a voice tells you to get out of bed and go into your living room.

The story is going along well so far, we have side quests along with the still WIP story.

If you use this map, please give me credit for it. I worked very hard on this to make it the way it is, it took days!
CreditAshton372, angelicdude
Progress60% complete

34 Update Logs

Update #34 : by Dogrules23 07/08/2015 2:44:51 pmJul 8th, 2015

Added more small details and a Bakery with a surprise inside. The Tavern is now more detailed as well and it has a special surprise inside as well!

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07/08/2015 1:31 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
also I left a

Diamond and a favorite
07/08/2015 1:42 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
07/08/2015 1:25 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
aDo you need help making the map, Im great at redstone and i mean it but i hate working alone and im a amazing builder, so if you ever need my help dont be afraid to ask

all my proof is deleted and/or didnt take pictures

What you need to know:

Ign: Extremedoge1990
Skype: Extremedoge1990
World edit skill: 7/10
Redstone: 8/10
Building: 7/10
Mobs and shops: 9.5/10
items and weapons: 9/10

contact me when you made your mind
07/08/2015 1:41 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
I will contact you if I need assistance!
07/08/2015 1:46 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
and if you need custom heads ill give you
07/08/2015 1:49 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
What do you mean by "custom heads"?
07/08/2015 1:54 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
like apples or anything really YES ANYTHING EVEN TOILET PAPER
07/08/2015 2:00 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
How would you give those to me?
07/08/2015 1:45 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
if you need help terraformy ill do and redstone i will surely do so
07/08/2015 1:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
are you sure about the redstone part of the map becuz lets say someone enters an area and he steps on a stone pad or plate and some chat apears, he can spam it as long as he wants but i know how to stop it or maybe you need a secret code for a door ill do it, perhaps some weapons or classes... the list goes on
07/08/2015 2:01 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
What do you mean by weapons and classes?
07/08/2015 2:05 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Like slow but strong knights to fast but weak rogues or archers and mages, i ment i can do anytype
