Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Garden | Survival Spawn

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Excorpse MC's Avatar Excorpse MC
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Nice! I'm back with another factions spawn. Great.

Yeah. I haven't been playing Minecraft in a while and I only came back because of a friend posting a server on his instagram and thought I would check it out.

Upon entering the server, the spawn was 95% stone bricks.


I quickly threw this together in about 4 or 5 hours and offered it as a potential new spawn. Still no response from them but who cares. You guys can use it! :)

So, about the build. If you guys download it, you may notice the proportions are not completely equal on the sides. THIS IS NOT AN ERROR. I tried something new by shifting some of the objects off center to see how it would turn out. I think it turned out fine but it did cause me A LOT of grief.

Anyways, if you have any questions, please feel free to message me!

I will try to build more. I really only build things for servers as I am not the most creative. I need someone to inspire me... whatever.

Thanks guys,

Length: 77 blocks
Width: 77 blocks
Height: 27 blocks (29 including underground blocks)
Progress100% complete

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