This Map is an entry in the completed Caved In Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Grim Thorim - The Ancient Dwarven Ruins - Adventure Map

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MrD4nny's Avatar MrD4nny
Level 57 : Grandmaster Artist


When Steve has struck the end of his wealth, he strived to find a new one that can reclaim his high prime. Though Steve had gone too far, as he had dug for ages trying to again grab his riches he once had. Starvation and fatigue began to settle upon Steve, as he had a chance to turn back, but ignored these facts and moved on forward. Suddenly, his luck was even colder as he was Caved In. Nothing to do other than wait or keep going, Steve chose to sacrifice everything. Though, he hit something much rather strange... It was the Ancient Dwarven Ruins of Grim Thorim, one of the oldest settlements of the Dwarves, said to be a myth, but now seen in the eyes of Steve. As Steve Decided to follow these strange ruins, he had suddenly fallen into a magnificent site. The Dwarves were a clever race, as they were lead by their King... Thorim the Caverned Horror. They say he took on a attack of the Japanese Steam Punk Empire all by himself, due to his heavy tactics of holding his people underground, with their onward Defense. Thorim was a very stubborn leader, that also had called to the dark magic to aid him. From Dark spirits, to the most petrifying terrors of the Crafty world, he called on the spells of the Nazarg Dragons! These dragons have lived with so much intense anger, that it even shook their realm of which they came! Unleashing these powers meant no one could contain it, not even Great Thorim himself. Thorim had struck riches by conquering many other kingdoms, and saved them to himself, but did not share with his people. Locked up in the Ancient Ruins, lies the spirits of unspeakable terrors, but also riches man has never dreamed of. When Thorim fell to his own menacing puppets, the Nazarg wished to take over the ruins. Without a great leader, the dwarves turned to Thorimo s two Sons that may be able to lead them to safety. His sono s Okin the Creative, and Jodin the Crafty had different ideas to surviveo ¦ So the dwarves made separate choices, some followed Okin, and others followed Jodin. The Dwarves were now split in two, migrating to other locations for refuge. Still, Grim Thorim laid there in ruin, for centuries, with all the wealth a man could never dream of. This myth has now become reality, as Steve will now explore Grim Thorim in search for these riches, but he must be careful, as the Dwarves have taken many precautions to avoid these treasure from being disturbed. If only Steve realizes that this kingdom is not just beautiful, but the beauty is a mask behind the troubles he shall face in the hope for discovering. This adventure will now test Steve, and maybe even your strengths to conquer the Ancient Dwarven Ruins of Grim Thorim. Be warned... The Nazarg Dragons can be awoken... Do not disturb them...
Click to reveal


Vaecon (ModernPrestige) - For making the fantastic cinematic! Not only that! But for producing stunning Rendered Screenshots! Send him a subscription for being amazing!
Sacred - For always making Insanely Amazing Music all the time! I couldn't thank Sacred enough for helping me out! Make sure to give him some love!
Mkisner328, and Lukesoccer - For helping me terraform the roofing at the end, couldn't of completed this build on time without them!
SCMowns - For always giving Support to my builds! This fellow wolf has always been a great friend of mine! Thank you so much!


Click to reveal
You may use Default Texture Pack, it still looks fantastic, but I'd prefer getting Doku Craft Light for that extra Spice!

Media Used
Terraforming Tookit - Thanks to inHaze for producing this craftscript! Couldn't of terraformed in single player without it!
World Edit - Thank you to the world edit Team, and the Single Player commands! Helped me out quite a bit!
Voxel Sniper - Quite a bit at the end, just to finish up the roofing of the Ritual Room. Thanks to the Voxelbox for creating an outstanding Plugin!
Hand building - Well, just about on everything. Took a ton of time to perfect the depth and detail in this build!
Adobe Photoshop CS6 - To Edit the Screenshots to give that extra spice!
Adobe After Effects CS6 - For the Amazing Video Intro! Thank you to Vaecon! Check him out on Youtube!
FL Studio 5 - Sacred's Crazy Music! Make sure to check him out! Also check out his free new Album Eclipse! It is amazing!
Sony Vegas (Newsest One?) - To Create that Epic Cinematic! Thanks again to Vaecon! Really! Check him out!
Building Information

Building Information
Well guys, I heard there was a build contest going on, and I just had to enter it again! Though I really did rush this! I hope you all love this build, I mean I worked very hard on it, and want to really thank all of you guys for viewing this build! I had to build Grim Thorim in single player, because the past months I havn't had Internet. With the help of friends, I was able to grab a flash drive and take this project home with me! I was very inspired by things such as World of Warcraft, or The Lord of The Rings, and my own taste of ideas I merged together with this build! Even though I have no internet, Single player Still works offline, so i've been building away behind the curtain, waiting to inspire once again! I really do wish I was back for sure, but it will have to wait for quite a while! This build was to inspire myself to keep going, but also to have you guys realize that I still build for you all! I couldn't of done it without all the support that you all have given me throughout my Minecraft days, and I plan to keep going on my building! Thank you guys soo much! Really! I would very much appreciate your support! As I also promised you all builds, and I've got plenty to share with you all! Even ones that will help you guys in building! I said I love to help the community, so hey!? Why not help you guys with some building tips! Really though! I want to thank you all soo much! Ack! I can't stop day dreaming about how hard of work I put into this! I mean multi-tasking from one thing to another! School, Boxing, Digital Art, Art, Cooking, ack and all my classes, plus family! Whew this was a hassle, but I managed to get it done! Help me out by supporting me! I couldn't of seriously done it without you guys! ~MrD4nny
CreditVaecon, Sacred, SCMowns, Mkisner328, lukesoccer
Progress100% complete

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08/23/2015 9:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
nyancat101's Avatar
and what version minecraft
08/23/2015 9:13 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
nyancat101's Avatar
what texture pack did you have
Mine Maus Craft
02/07/2015 6:25 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
Beautiful :-)
12/18/2013 3:28 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Button Pusher
DragonsDungeon's Avatar
moment you realise that this only got number 2 and there is something even better
11/05/2013 10:28 am
Level 33 : Artisan Explorer
Del_boy211's Avatar
You are a friend of my hero, SCMowns, I saw his video telling us to give you some support and I have gave you a diamond, and subscribed to you.
08/14/2013 1:38 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
you did a way better job than the person who got first
08/14/2013 1:35 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
wheres the falmer lol nice build
05/07/2013 4:31 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
dvb467's Avatar long did that take?
05/01/2013 3:35 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Scribe
Ranger99's Avatar
Wow that's sweet im gonna download!!
05/01/2013 2:30 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Blacksmith
You have ALOT of spare time.

Diamonding and subbin :D
