Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Adelsburg - Medieval City - Fables and Fantasy RP

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Fables and Fantasy RP's Avatar Fables and Fantasy RP
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Mage
Nation/settlement: The Kingdom of Hadriana (Humans)

Short description:
The inhabitants of Hadriana are a proud and ambitious folk. The people wanderingvabout the lands of Hadriana are often set on making their mark on the world of Eden. From all corners of the Empire ambitious people gather in Hadriana for a better future. The city attracts a great variety of peoples, from intellectual nobility to the lowest of scum. Everyone has their place at the Capital of Mankind. Where it be in the Imperial Court, the
University or the gutters. People in Hadriana seek to gather as much fortune as possible.

There are a lot of new builds on Fables & Fantasy. The server has been open for a couple of months now and supports an active roleplay community. Please visit the server and join our discord!

Website: https://fablesfantasyrp.com/
Wiki: https://fablesfantasyrp.com/wiki
Forums: https://forums.fablesfantasyrp.com/index.php
PlanetMinecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/fables-and-fantasy/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtVSEPrtzzLgqD62BPrdKrA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fablesandfantasymcrp/
Dynamic map: http://play.fablesfantasyrp.com:8083/
Discord: https://discord.gg/fablesfantasyrp

All rights of this map and screenshots are reserved to Fables and Fantasy, previously known as Feudalrealms
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Fables and Fantasy RP 10/05/2022 8:20:24 pmOct 5th, 2022

New Trailer

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06/22/2021 3:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
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