Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Halo: Mombasa Outskirts (Halo 2 Outskirts Level Recreation)

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Level 18 : Journeyman Princess
Long time, no update. So, on the status of this map and the textures. Real life got in the way for a long time, and unfortunately i dont really feel like continuing this anymore. HOWEVER, i don't want this to just be sitting on my hard drive anymore with the chance i'll lose it completely so i'm releasing it as is, both the map and textures. I'm happy for someone to finish both it and redo the textures if they want, however i would at least like to be credited.

Halo: Mombasa is my attempt at recreating the level Outksirts from the Halo 2 campaign as accurately as possible. Accompanying this, I am making a custom texture pack that replicated the original textures as close as possible. Some may not be exact, but if they feel close enough to me, then I'm going to leave them as that. I have also gotten a good friend of mine to help me out with this since he is much better at doing texture packs than I am. He's made a few private texture packs for himself that are of very high quality (at least in my personal opinion), and I am sure that his involvement in making the texture pack will make this map look much better.

There are three section total to this map:
Section One: Old Mombassa, which consists of the starting area (crashed pelican) to Hotel Zanzibar. - 100% Complete
Section Two: The beach and underground highway entrance. - 100% Complete
Section Three: The underground highway. - 5% Complete
Textures. - Still using temporary ones for now.

Time Spent: ~180 Hours
CreditBungie for creating the amazing Halo universe
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

FINAL UPDATE : by eclaireN7 03/11/2018 3:31:37 amMar 11th, 2018

Long time, no update. So, on the status of this map and the textures. Real life got in the way for a long time, and unfortunately i dont really feel like continuing this anymore. HOWEVER, i don't want this to just be sitting on my hard drive anymore with the chance i'll lose it completely so i'm releasing it as is, both the map and textures. I'm happy for someone to finish both it and redo the textures if they want, however i would at least like to be credited.

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ODST Cracknell
04/29/2015 1:51 am
Level 27 : Expert Ranger



Wanna be friends lol
05/03/2015 6:45 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Princess
Think it looks good now? Wait till I get some good textures done for it. Pretty much all the current ones are quickly, badly done just to see roughly what it'll look like.
04/21/2015 8:34 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
doooooowwnnnnnnnllooooaodddd :CCCCC
04/27/2015 12:30 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Princess
It's not finished yet. I don't want to release it unfinished. I am working on it (slowly), but I haven't had much time to because of work.
04/27/2015 1:58 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
this map is incredible
12/07/2014 8:53 am
Level 44 : Master Architect
are you going to continue this peoject? :)
12/09/2014 5:42 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Princess
Yes, I am, definitely. I'm just caught up playing GTA V and Halo on the Xbox One currently, as well as being away from my desktop.
12/09/2014 6:50 am
Level 44 : Master Architect
Same here, but my because my session is nearly over, I couldn't work on my POA. And Im getting MCC for Christmas with the One (of course I pay most of the price) so I'll robably work some days on the Minecraft project, during installations and updates, then play MCC until the next session, lol
10/02/2014 10:59 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
OMG YES!!!! I'm a big Halo fan, and had found a other Old Mombassa map that was pretty advanced in development a  month ago, but it is un-updated since a while. (The project is dead). I was looking back at said project, thwn wondered if there was more recent projects about Mombassa...I just searched and found this!!!! Amazing! Keep up the good work! I will subscribe to you and remember you as a Epic Minecraft Halo Builder, like me and anyone who makes at least one awesome Halo project, :D (I'm dong the best replica of the Pillar of autumn, see my profile) :DD I can't wait for future updates!

P.S: Be careful with your textures: you should always check that you make block textures that are smoothly merging with the next block. (look at you dirt block and some concrete textures, they aren't symetrical on their sides, and this result in a broken continuous texture when lining multiple blocks together. You can find some good tutoirals about of to fix this on the internet. :)
10/03/2014 3:25 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Princess
Thanks for the kind words! It's great to hear and really motivates me. :) And i'll certainly take a look at your Pillar of Autumn.
And yeah, a lot of the textures for now are just placeholders. Once I finish the map with my basic textures, i'm going to go back and fix them up and whatnot. They're more just to see roughly what the map is going to look like as a whole. Some of the textures i've been working on as placeholders I still haven't even put in the texture pack yet.
