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Retired Moderator
Level 89 : Elite Terraformer
I've showed this map before on Reddit but never published it. Thinking i would revisit this project later on. But it has been a long time and i have more than enough going on so i'm releasing it to all of you. Let's get the question out of the way all of you probably want to know:

  • YES, you can use this map on your server. You can add villages to it, make a cool Minez map or something out of it. Go for it. But don't sell this map to anyone. I've provided it for free for people to use, not to sell. Whether you add anything of subtract anything to it, it's not to be sold.

About the map:

  • It's inspired by WO2 Normandy. However it's not created after any specific region, it's completely original.
  • The dimensions of the map are roughly 5000 by 5000 blocks. 
  • The spawnpoint is located down south on a beach.
  • The map has fiels of (fullgrown) wheat, sunflowers and just grass.
  • The map has roads
  • All borders around the fields are made of hedges
  • There are impact/explosion craters all throughout the map. The size of them varies. 
  • You will find four types of tanks on this map. Two models complete and two broken down/exploded models.
  • One can say there are broadly three regions on the map
    • Coastal area (South). Cliffs and patches of sand/grass.
    • Fields area (transition zone). Tidy fields with crops/grass growing on them.
    • Abandoned fields area (North). Grass fields with tree growth on the fields itself. 

  • This map has NO borders. Beyond the terrain painted. The natural terrain generation is superflat. 

I created this map with World Machine and Worldpainter. It was first published 6th of June '14.

undefinedLetsLente     undefined Lentebriesje    undefined LetsLente

Progress100% complete

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04/07/2018 9:09 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Sailor
0_0 It brings a tear to my eyes... Its so beautiful... Except the tanks, They could be better in my opinion.

I would use this as my new survival world if I wanted to replace my current one ^_^
04/02/2017 6:52 am
Level 49 : Master Artist
Can this be used for modpack?
01/21/2017 1:06 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
09/21/2015 12:46 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Dude, thanks for the awesome maps!
This one once again works perfectly for my server!
07/01/2015 9:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I love your work! Can you please make some more tutorials on advanced tecniques with worldpainter, i.e like how to create farmlands,hedges,etc also More details about how to paint roads,schematics etc.Also would it be possible to explaine how to use the new features in the new worlldpainter version. That would be very appreciated. Keep up the good work. I look forward to what awsome projects you do next!
06/30/2015 9:22 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
How do you put the hedge layers in worldpainter?
06/30/2015 9:06 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Good map bruh!
06/30/2015 12:28 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Wolf Whisperer
nice map bro
06/29/2015 5:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
So beautiful D:
06/29/2015 4:29 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
5 KM map! Wow, I call this DEVOTION.
