Published Jun 24th, 2015, 6/24/15 12:36 pm
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Rideable Helicopters with only one Command by Owizahra
Click on the Minecraft World Save button to get the Command!
How to Install :
1. Copy the command (Strg+C / Command+C)
2. Take a command block (/give @p command_block)
3. Paste the command into your command block (Strg+V / Command+V)
4. Activate it by a redstone block/button/pressure plate/redstone torch
5. Click on Get Item!!
6. You´ll get a spawn egg named create_helicopter
7. If you spawn it you´ll get a flying minecart and two new spawn eggs!
8. At the beginn use the egg named control_panel!
9. Now you see a control panel in your chat!
10. If you now sit in the minecart you are in a helicopter!
11. Control the helicopter with the control panel
12. Destroy the helicopter with the egg named destroy_helicopter!
Command by Owizahra // I made the command with "MrGarretto´s Command Combiner" // Visit his YouTube Channel
Click on the Minecraft World Save button to get the Command!
Sorry for my bad english !-)
Click on the Minecraft World Save button to get the Command!
How to Install :
1. Copy the command (Strg+C / Command+C)
2. Take a command block (/give @p command_block)
3. Paste the command into your command block (Strg+V / Command+V)
4. Activate it by a redstone block/button/pressure plate/redstone torch
5. Click on Get Item!!
6. You´ll get a spawn egg named create_helicopter
7. If you spawn it you´ll get a flying minecart and two new spawn eggs!
8. At the beginn use the egg named control_panel!
9. Now you see a control panel in your chat!
10. If you now sit in the minecart you are in a helicopter!
11. Control the helicopter with the control panel
12. Destroy the helicopter with the egg named destroy_helicopter!
Command by Owizahra // I made the command with "MrGarretto´s Command Combiner" // Visit his YouTube Channel
Click on the Minecraft World Save button to get the Command!
Sorry for my bad english !-)
Progress | 100% complete |
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(Testet in minecrat 1.8.4)
To install the mod write in the chat "/give @p command_block"
Then you'll get a command block. Place it down,right click it and paste my command (Click on the minecraft world save button) in it.(Press Controll and V in the same moment)