Minecraft Maps / Other

Hogwarts Mix with countless other structures

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Bigbto1930's Avatar Bigbto1930
Level 29 : Expert Miner
Hi I'm Matt and this is a A Hogwarts Mix Map with other Structures such as : The RMS Olympic , The Gloomy Manor from Weegies Mansion Dark Moon , The Guild From Fable and a farm at Haggrids House.
Alot of the ground is being turned into farm ground main field is at the farm . The Great Hall Entrance Courtyard has been ripped out and made the 2nd field and the 3rd Field as at the newly made Black Lake Port which also brings up the next location that I Apparated in , The RMS Olympic the Olympic that resided on Black Lake is as it was in 1914 right before it was made into a troop ship. The windows and port holes are blocked up and the ship has been painted a grey color to make it harder to see by German U-Boats during the Great War.
the rear end is badly damaged before it got to Hogwarts I fought not 1 not 2 not 3 but 5 Withers . there is also Wither damage on the left side Promenade Deck A just past the forward Grand Stair Case .
I did unblock some of the windows on the Starboard side so you can see that nice view of Hogwarts and the rest of Black Lake.
to find out more read My Diary its in my room in Slytherin House
the mine is under Haggrids house and the Neather Portal is in the mine shaft in m Room there.
as for the last building its is the shop by the straw barn this shop I built is an Imitation of the shop on the farm I actually live on in real live .
the way it looks is basically how it looks in real life just without the wood walls screwed on the inside and without all the junk.
there is no end portal made.
Vics Modern Warfare is not required but is Recommended
The newest MC version you can get for this mod is 1.12.2
strongly recommended mod version : mw_2.0-0.4.1_mc 1.12.2
should you download this mod in the mineshaft you will find several Guns and a considerable stock pile of shells and bullets
Oh Yeah and Gryffindor House Boys Room has been made into a Zombie Pigman Arena.
in the Great Hall entrance on the left side is half full of straw and On the Olympic the 1st Class GYM is full of straw.

You should spawn at the farm by Hagrid's House but should something happen I put the Hogwarts and Gloomy Manor coordinates in the pictures

If you wish to reupload this world all I ask is that you dnt take credit for it.

I will upload updated versions of the world as I make Major progress and when I get a chance .

Enjoy the changes and I hope you love the map.
I you should be able to upgrade to the newest Minecraft version with this map but note that if you do some of the words at the bottom of the pages will be cut off in the books.


I finally uploaded an updated version of this world changes are below

Olympic- I turned on the lights on the promenade deck A on the Starboard side as well as turning on the rest of the lights on promenade deck B.

I went ahead and took some of the life boats off as they were blocking your view of Hogwarts on the boat deck on the starboard side.

I remodeled the right side Georgian Suit I replaced the floor with a bone floor and the walls used to have gold designs now they have bone designs .

And I also unblocked more windows on the star board side

Straw Barn is now full and the great hall entrance where that statue is is now half full you can only see the head and the torches are no longer visible .
Progress100% complete

9 Update Logs

Massive Update 5.0.1 : by Bigbto1930 04/27/2024 9:33:46 pmApr 27th

Hello everyone I have finally released the update for this map note that there is still one more thing that I need to work on when I get to it I will edit this log. The following changed are below.

1. In the Shrieking Shack the interior has now been fixed.

2. I have spotted more missing chunks 2 east of Hogsmede and one between Hogsmede and Hogwarts in the woods this has now been fixed.

3. On the Olympic the water tight doors now close and are completely operable by using the lever by the door with the exception of the doors leading to Boiler Room 5.

4. On the Olympic I have unblocked some more windows on the starboard side and took some more lifeboats off the boat deck so you could see the castle and Black Lake better.

5. I fixed the aft mast on the Olympic.

6. I added some new stories they can be found on the Olympic in the second class library.

7. I have moved Luigi's Mansion to a different location due to being too close to Shipwreck Island.

8. Added stairs to the mine under Hagrid's House.

9. The Main field at the Hogwarts Farm is now bigger than ever before.

10. The fields now again have wheat growing in them.

11. I have upgraded the Black Lake Port and added 2 more stair cases leading to a boarding entrance on Deck D and another entrance on Deck F.

12. Added a new path leading from between Hagrid's House and the Maze to the Black Lake area.

13 Added bridges and fixed the missing section of the path leading from the train station to the castle.

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06/06/2022 8:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RWB_Cupcake's Avatar
Thats a gorgeous map!
10/24/2021 5:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BERDYSZ's Avatar
love this
06/15/2021 2:17 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Quin_BrambleStreet's Avatar
Mate this is insane, well done! :)
08/07/2021 11:14 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
Bigbto1930's Avatar
Thanks mate I do my best with this stuff soon there will be an update explaining how the Olympic was brought to Hogwarts instead of the Breakeryard
Not Lightning
05/02/2021 9:27 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Modder
Not Lightning's Avatar
this is epic. best hogwarts map ever.
