Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Hunger Games: District 4 [Panem MC ]

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KatnipEverdeen's Avatar KatnipEverdeen
Level 42 : Master Archer
Hunger Games: District 4 [Panem MC ] Minecraft Map

Welcome to Panem!!! Our server is a PVP server set in a RP map/world. Come on and play! We have quests, quota economy, rankable jobs (you can even rank up to be a stylist or escort in the Capitol!), monthly Hunger Games, mini games, events, custom 3D texture pack and soundpack, and more!

check us out on:
Planet Minecraft
Enjin: thepanemmc.enjin.com
Minecraft IP: play.panemmc.com [1.8.8]
Progress100% complete

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12/14/2016 2:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
alandurst's Avatar
Hey Katnip i was wondering if u could sent me to my email the texture pack i just joined to the capitol and i loved it congrats!
06/04/2016 6:25 am
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
XDscoper420's Avatar
I haven't seen the Hunger Games before, and I didn't know the districts looked so fancy. I figured they would look like the favelas in Rio but worse.
06/04/2016 9:16 am
Level 42 : Master Archer
KatnipEverdeen's Avatar
Most are pretty run down and dirty. District 4 is one of the richer districts. We made nicer areas (still small) but nicer. We have some homeless and poor areas of town too. :)
06/04/2016 9:18 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
XDscoper420's Avatar
Ah. So I'm guessing the jobs the people do in District 4 make more money.
