Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Imperial Valkyrie Shuttle

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Level 49 : Master System
Important: This is a free inspiration of the Valkyrie shuttle from James Cameron's Avatar film.

Hello! Today, I present one of my latest space creation: a Valkyrie shuttle! The design is mainly inspired by the shuttle of James Cameron's film but with small modifications for the exterior and a huge reorganization of the interior.
Many functionalities are provided for the shuttle, such as:
- opening or closing the door at the rear of the shuttle.
- opening or closing the grids of the ship's 2nd floor.
- changing the position of the reactors, on vertical or horizontal positions.
- bringing the landing gears up or down.
To see all these functionalities in action, check the youtube video.
If you like this spaceship, you can also check Destiny: Colony Ship and Elysian Palace (there's a space shuttle at the rear of the building.
CreditJames Cameron
Progress100% complete

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09/05/2017 5:53 am
Level 32 : Artisan System
Nice one
08/26/2017 5:31 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
Bravo dude =D i love this .. i ever want make this one too ^^
