Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Insomnia Citadel (Final Fantasy XV)

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
DONE - 4/17/2017

So originally it was supposed to be a just a ruined building for a server that never materialized.
But then I was left alone with it for far too long and decided to FF it up instead.

  • Purple wool in the elevators is the tower elevators level. Use that to get to the crystal chamber level.
  • Gold block in the elevators is the throne room. You will find it if you have played FF15.
  • Red wool in the elevators is the observation deck and lounge levels.
  • Light blue is the entrance level.
  • Yellow is the car parking.

It started out life as Tokyo City Hall by PvM. Go check it out.

Re-Pack is Smooth Realistic Pack by DasLisal.

Buildings I used in the screenshots are from the Maikura Japanese mega city build.
CreditPvM for the Orginal Building. DasLisal for the pack.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by IKN0WKUNGFU 04/17/2017 11:16:58 pmApr 17th, 2017

Building is finished. Please let me know if you find anything amiss.

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04/05/2019 12:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
flebthe1's Avatar
how do i put this in minecraft? Im new to this
08/13/2018 7:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ansem21's Avatar
This is excellent environment ever! So I've download it and then what next? I'm pretty new after yesterday

Plus,I'm more into a 3d program called xnalara. Or xps (Xnalara Posing Studio) if you prefer. Ever heard of it or seen before? I would like to convert this into xnalara ad credit you for artworks from deviantart . However,to do that I don't know if I can export through noesis. it does not work. I don't know what is DAT file or LOCK file. I don't know which right file is for this environment. Even for Blender nor 3D Max.

Any ideas how? I would love to know if you have any idea or tip for me. Please reply me back as you get this comment.
07/16/2018 11:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kaibot's Avatar
Greetings and salutations how are you i know that you have been inacttive for sometime but if you see this i am willing to deposit lets say 50 or 75 cad dollars maybe even 100 to your paypal if you good sir build a recreation of that on a modded server -Ichi
07/04/2017 1:55 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
LukeAsArts's Avatar
Hey any chance you'll work on the KOTOR things anymore? i mean with the Aperion game being worked on this would be a great time. i randomly get back into loving KOTOR and always look at your maps and l33tsauces and think "Wish they would finish these"

Need any help will commands or something and i can totally do that
07/09/2017 5:25 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
I finished my remake of the Korriban map a good year or more ago. Better doors, game accuracy and lighting.
It was going to release along some other maps that a few guys where making of the other locations in KOTOR. That project... fell apart. I have from time to time been working on them but my time and patience for minecraft has been waning recently.
This project being the rare occasion I really wanted to continue and finish in a timely manner.
So long answer long I would still like to remake KOTOR in minecraft with a proper texture pack and commands but that ship may have already sailed.
07/14/2017 2:11 am
Level 41 : Master Engineer
LukeAsArts's Avatar
Well i received permission to work on the resource pack i could help out some. Also whenever i want to get back into a project i like to listen to music from that project and then all those sentimental memories pop up and i really want to build something. Built an ebon hawk in survival just by doing that,

Also i have a only one command particle thing that i could possible modify and get some nice effects for maps. if you are interested jn any of my offers just tell me.

PS if you want me too i can work on the resource pack but i'd need to know what blocks you wanted to be in their.

Also i do a lot of work with technical things.
02/10/2017 8:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Racingman1's Avatar
Your builds are outstanding !
I'd appreciate it if you gave a download.
02/16/2017 5:51 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Soon. Currently working on an interior. After that is finished and shiny I will put up a DL.
02/08/2017 8:09 pm
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
PersonaUser1221's Avatar
02/05/2017 11:34 am
Level 32 : Artisan Cake
dr_Cheesecake's Avatar
