Minecraft Maps / Educational

Keystone Zoo

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Level 27 : Expert Miner
My daughter asked for a zoo, so I made one in my mountain village "Keystone" (from my Kingdom of Arthur downloadable map). I searched for hours looking for the best non-mod built animals to go along with the standard friendly (and neutral) mobs in Minecraft. I loaded my current map. I just need to add a few more items (like the aquatic update), and I may expand my zoo across the tracks if I ever feel like downloading an animal expansion. But for now, I like to keep things Vanilla (other than the texture pack mod)...

Hope you all enjoy my tiny map, and feel free to drop a few diamonds if you like my project.


NOTE: The photos are shown with the "PERSISTENCE" texture pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/joenoedoe/
CreditPERSISTENCE Texture Pack
Progress90% complete

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