Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Lady Ianite MC Statue

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Level 48 : Master Answer
Lady Ianite of the Mianite Realm Series. she is my favorite among the gods of the series. i really enjoy watching the series through CaptainSparklez's perspective. i've been working on building this project ever since her official skin was revealed.

for working on the actual statue, i did some digging and research as to the origin of the skin and who made it. from there, i learned what the skin was based on, which in turn made my ability to work on it much much easier to decide on various parts that i'd put together. then other parts were basically "use your imagination".

i worked on this statue project alone, but i based some of the ideas on this image that was used toward the actual skin of Ianite by CakeArtist7:

the official skin that was used was made by ernis701. and i like how it turned out! :)

anyway, hope you all like! :D


i decided to give this build a random update in terms of platform as well as the spawn area, and the two scales got slightly nicer looking.

for those who'd like to compare the newer version to the old. here's the old world download!
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update 11/26/2014 : by BlueAsterismSolstice 11/26/2014 2:36:47 amNov 26th, 2014

current version of the map's schematic is up for available download at the main schematic download button of this page by the world download.

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07/01/2016 5:41 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
hiya i love your statue could i add wings and use it in my cathedral please
07/24/2016 6:32 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
I'm a little late to this comment, but sure, go ahead.
12/15/2015 10:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dun-dun da daaahhh You Found A Diamond!
05/14/2015 5:01 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hi! I'm currently trying to make a statue of a Goddess with a similar role to Ianite for a new gamemode for my server, and in one of the temples I want a statue, and I'm terrible at building them. So would you mind if I used this as a sort of template? I'd change most of the blocks and stuff and would give you credit with a sign or something saying "Created by 41solstice25" At the bottom of the build or somewhere else near it. Then a link to this page too so people can thank you for building the original version. Thanks :)
01/14/2015 4:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
hello dude my name is Sebastien, i am about to make a mianite map and i sow this project that you made and i wnat to have it in the map. My email is see.cga.2703@gmail.com send my a email if it is okay, and i alsoo have some other quastion i want to aske you so plz send my a email.
01/23/2015 2:48 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Yes, you may use the project! I only ask that I am credited for this piece, please and thank you!
11/26/2014 4:14 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Pretty good, some nice organics. We (basically meaning Pilsbaas) made a statue as well, but couldnt fit it in the actual temple :P. this is a pretty cool standalone though!
11/26/2014 1:24 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
thank you! i've enjoyed putting this together. while building this i considered trying to throw together a temple to see how it might turn out with my constant changing in ideas to try to incorporate as i build. i knew once i heard prismarine was ideal toward it that i was going to enjoy making it. and the more i touch that platform, the more i want to add onto it. i keep trying to stop myself, but it's not working. i never played with a statue build so much before. this is more close to the kind of stuff i've been trying to push myself toward.
11/26/2014 1:41 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
I began to make a temple as well, and almost as soon as Ianite first made herself known, but I never managed to finish it. Then I joined hyperion on a whim and found out they were making it. XD
11/26/2014 5:02 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
that sounds awesome! i haven't really taken part of any major group builds before. i've mostly been a pretty solo builder ever since Beta 1.7.3, so i'm unfamiliar with how people plan out those kinds of builds to work on as a team.
