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Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar Sergeant Sarcasm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Download the Map Here:

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This project is one of my several attempts at achieving realism in landscapes. It features a breath-taking extreme island landcape complete with mountainous ridges and rocky cliffs, along with a few serene beaches for you to relax and take in the scene. The possibilities for what this island may contain are endless. From peaceful modern vistas to extreme gothic houses, whatever exists on this island depends on you.


Credit for this project goes to:
 - Me (Creation of the map | IGN: SgtSarcasm7 | Contact: Below)
 - xJag_ (Testing | IGN: xJag_ | Contact: Omitted)
 - SGR Build Team (Support of my endeavors as a whole | IGN: SgtSarcasm7, Mikis1524,                      Gaspar445, xJag_ | Contact: Ask)
- SEUS 10.1 Ultra DOF (Shaders)

Feel free to download this map for use in whatever you may please, all I request is credit for the map and this not be used in any shared projects on this site or any other without my consent. If you want to use this in a project, you may contact me on this website through messaging or a comment on this project. You may feed any information or questions you may have through me to give any other credit above.

Feel free to comment, favorite, or add some diamonds.

Thanks for the support,
Progress100% complete

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11/03/2017 7:51 pm
Level 40 : Master Hunter
xXFlameMasterXx's Avatar
How big is the map ??
01/08/2015 1:57 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Capa360's Avatar
Fantastic work! What are the map dimensions (in blocks) and do you have a map overview availible?
Sergeant Sarcasm
01/08/2015 6:16 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar
I actually have lost the world somewhere, and I never made an overview for it. So sadly, I can't answer either of those questions, sorry!
08/19/2014 3:52 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Needlestorm's Avatar
Fine work. I guess you wouldn't mind if I use it for my server to play with friends, all credits given of course. You might join if you wish, too.
If I were to give any feedback, I would suggest to add more details - more varied terrain texture, much more grass and some bushes here and there. Also, try placing snow at the tops of highest mountains, it might give and interesting and good-looking effect.
You might want to check a skin I made some time ago if you wish in exchange for the criticism :)
Sergeant Sarcasm
08/20/2014 5:48 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar
Thanks for the suggestions, and I'm perfectly OK with you downloading this and using it on a server if credit is given. I'm currently working on some new landscapes, like glacier carved mountains and valleys. I'll deffinitely use your advice when making it!
08/12/2014 5:57 am
Level 32 : Artisan Architect
Alcatraz_Sniper's Avatar
Less mountains please. Maybe a forest with lakes and ponds or a snow capped mountain with lava in the center at the top.
Sergeant Sarcasm
08/12/2014 6:15 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Lumberjack
Sergeant Sarcasm's Avatar
Thanks for the advice! That's a great idea, though lately I've been only using World Painter. But for both map generation and my planned proffession I've been saving up for a program called World Machine. Once I actually get this program, you can expect a bit more out of my maps!
07/03/2014 12:23 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ninja
wolftheninja's Avatar
Looks good. You should try out my tree pack I made a lot of tree's that will gave any landscape the extra ooommff.
06/28/2014 9:17 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
Quiniy9eleven's Avatar
That filename - Mountain Swag. Fantastic haha.
I'm going to take a look at this world. It looks fantastic!
06/09/2014 2:07 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
oopin1234's Avatar
I love this map thank you for making it! Diamond
